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Gwarimpa, Abuja, Nigeria
Wednesday 17th April, 2018.

Eesh went up to her room and snatched her phone off her bedside drawer. She was tired of people going in and out of her house every bleeping minute. She had tolerated it for long enough. Even she didn't know how she kept cool for four days but she had had enough.

Going straight to her speed dial, she tapped on the first contact there and put it on speaker then dropped it on the bed. She heard it ring thrice before it went blank and her father's voice came through.

"Baddon daddy." Alhaji Muhammad said and Eesh almost cried. She missed her father, a lot. She liked to show she was a hard girl but she was not even close to that.

"Daddyn baddo." they exchanged pleasantries.

"Daddy, what's the reason for people coming to a newly wedded couple's house?"

"It's called ganin gida and gaida amarya. It's to show their happiness for the wedding."

"It's not necessary koh? Honestly speaking, I don't like the way I can't have peace of mind for few seconds without someone pressing the damn door bell." Eesh rubbed her temples.

"Aishatu, mind your language." Alhaji Muhammad warned.

"And don't worry, I will tell them to leave you alone." Eesh thanked him and they ended the call.

Walking out, she went to check on Abulkhair. She fed him too much of the hot spirit that he fell unconscious after going for the seventh round in the bathroom. She had called her doctor and Abulkhair was put on drip. No one was aware though, she made sure of that.

Entering the room, she saw that he was asleep. She checked the drip and saw that it was almost finished. It was his last drip.

"Hello doctor..." The man cut her off.

"Just Fu'ad." Eesh rolled her eyes.

"The drip is exhausted."

"Okay, I will send a nurse to check on him because..." Eesh cut him off.

"You don't owe me an explanation." Eesh deadpanned.

"I know." Fu'ad sighed.

"But he can eat anything he wants right?"


"Okay thank you." Before he could reply, Eesh ended the call.


Café du mondé, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Wednesday 17th April, 2018.


"Don't call my name. And since when do you call me Alhaji?" The older man raised a greying brow.

"Sorry... But who would even know you here? Just because you're famous in Nigeria doesn't mean you are going to be famous here too. The whole world doesn't revolve around you you know." The older man leaned forward to the table and narrowed his crinkling eyes to slits.

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