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Hurghada International Airport, Hurghada, Egypt.
Monday, 22nd April, 2018.

"I still can't believe he went ahead to do all that because he wants us to go on a honeymoon." Eesh huffed while Abulkhair pushed the trolley with one hand, his other hand guiding her from behind, without her knowledge.

"Did you see the message I forwarded to you? It was from him." Eesh scoffed. He needed to understand that there was absolutely nothing that could make the marriage work if she didn't want it to.

"So he's actually expecting us to have worked things out within six weeks? Just wow." Eesh clapped, bumping into an extremely fair woman with pink veil rolled around her head Egyptian style.

"Afwan ya ukhti." Eesh apologized with a smile making Abulkhair smile too.

"Who knew you could speak Arabic?" Eesh narrowed her eyes at him and started walking faster.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Abulkhair walked faster to catch up with her.

When they went out, there were numerous drivers holding placards with different names on them. One with Umar Jalingo caught their eyes and they entered the car and zoomed off after exchanging pleasantries.

"Hurghada is Egypt's oldest and most famous resort. It is a prime winter escape, especially for northern Europeans, with sandy beaches and blue skies all through out the year. We have different tourist attractions down here at Hurghada..." The tour guide Alhaji Muhammad hired together with the driver just for them continued as they passed different places.

"This is your stop, Jungle Aqua Park Hotel. Here is my contact, once you're ready to explore, let me know." The tour guide said once he had helped them get checked in.

A bellhop took their luggage to their room and Abulkhair tipped him.

After they had both taken their baths, Abulkhair called Eesh's attention.

"We haven't done anything about the message Abba sent. He needs us to start getting along and miraculously, fall in love before we go back to Nigeria." Eesh rolled her eyes.

"Can we not talk about this here?" Abulkhair furrowed his brows.

"Why shouldn't we talk about this here? Where else do we talk about it? You should know that he planned this trip specifically for this purpose, even without him saying it." Eesh sighed.

"Look, I want us to work this out. If not for anyone's sake, for our sakes. I don't plan on giving anyone a divorce. And I'm pretty sure you're not ready to become a divorcee." Eesh sighed again.

"Okay, let's at least enjoy this. I promise we'd talk about this if we get back home." Eesh said and Abulkhair nodded.

"Now we need to rest and then in the evening, we can go around the park." They ordered for food and rested.


"Yes, I just checked into the room directly opposite theirs." The older man smiled.

"Very good. Someone will deliver a package to you in a matter of minutes." As though it was planned, a knock resounded on his door.

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