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Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria.
Sunday, 25th February, 2018.

Eesh stretched her hair, wrapped a peach veil she had specifically for this event simply and fixed her contact lenses. She fixed the extra lashes and used the contour to make her lips look wider. She fixed the birth mark on her nose and hid the very prominent one that was on her right temple.

Wearing her usual black Jalabiyya, she slipped into the only shoe she didn't wear for outings, a cute black furry wedge. She attached the voice converter to her neck and looked at the time, exactly 6.30am. She'd leave then and arrive at her destination by 7am as usual.

She walked to the backyard, left the house and trekked to the end of the junction before ordering an Uber. It came a few minutes later as it was close. She entered and told the driver the location. They stopped at Asokoro shopping mall and bought somethings. Almost an hour later, they arrived at her destination.

She got down, paid him his money and walked away. She looked up at the sign and it read, JKS home for children with special needs. She walked inside smiling.

"Aunty, Aunty." The children chanted as she entered the dining.

"Kids, come back here and eat first. Aunty will be here all day, just like every other year." A woman who looked to be in her early fifties said making the children jump in happiness.

"And not only that, I'm also going to sing to you all just like every year." Eesh said making the kids shout in happiness. The voice converter was really doing its work. It changed her voice from the normal bossy voice to a calm squeaky one.

She sat in a corner looking at the kids, she prayed to have a kid one day. She brought out her phone and checked the toys, drawing books and food stuffs she ordered for them the previous day, this was where she asked for it to be delivered.

Few minutes later, a guy with a customized Jumia t-shirt and a black face cap knocked on the widely opened door of the orphanage. Eesh knew it was him as a message was sent to her.

"Are you Aisha Muhammad?" the guy asked.


"Sign here and here, can the things be brought in?" The guys asked after showing Eesh where to sign.

"Yeah sure." Eesh signed and the things were brought inside. She smiled. She happy. This was the only thing that could make her happy, this and cooking. Even sitting in the presence of her dad didn't make her happy, it just gave her a feeling of comfort and belonging.

"Aunty thank you, Aunty thank you." The kids kept chanting while jumping all around Eesh.

"It's okay. Instead of thanking me, say may Grandma Asma'u's soul rest in peace, May Jannah be her final abode." Eesh said and the kids repeated after her. She smiled, she was happy and content.

"Aunty, Sadiq said you never told them your name, and you never told them who Grandma Asma'u was, you just asked us to pray for her when you came. And you only come once a year. Is it true? And why is that?" One curious girl said, it seemed she was new.

"What's your name?" Eesh bent down to the girl's level.

"Aunty, bad uncle said its not good to answer questions with questions." The girl blinked.

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