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"Assalamu Alaikum Abba ina kwana," Abulkhair said when he picked the call. He cleared his throat to get rid of the morning voice.

"Wa alaikumus-salam, I woke you up from sleep koh?" Abulkhair shook his head before he remembered Alhaji Muhammad couldn't see him.

"A'ah no problem."

"Toh shikenan. I want you and Aishatu to come over for lunch later today." Abulkhair said an okay and they exchanged pleasantries. They ended the call and Abulkhair checked the time.

"Shit. Shit. Shit." He said scrambling from the bed. It was already 10am and he had a zoom meeting by 8am which was supposed to last at most two hours. There was no way his assistant could have handled everything. His presence was very crucial and since he couldn't make it in person, he decided to make it a zoom meeting.

He had told Eesh to wake him up 7am but she didn't. Now he had missed the meeting and it was all her fault. No, it wasn't her fault. It was his fault for thinking she'd wake him up. But it was her duty as his wife.

He blocked out the internal conflict he was having and looked at his phone. He saw ten missed calls from Habeeb and three from his personal assistant. He immediately called Habeeb back.

"Assalamu Alaikum." Abulkhair said and Habeeb answered.

"Where were you? You scheduled this meeting, no one else said it had to be done today. We could've waited till when you resume work but no, you insisted we do it. Now look at how you made us waste two hours that we could've used for something important." Abulkhair sighed and apologized.

"The new engine is ready and I've gone through the blueprints, they need five hundred thousand to get started on the making." Abulkhair sighed. All these would've been discussed in the meeting he missed.

"Send me the blueprints and the budget. You know I can't give money without seeing the budget." Habeeb agreed and said he'd send it through the mail.

They ended the call and Abulkhair plugged his phone to charge then went downstairs to find something to eat. He never brushed before eating because it was said to cause ulcer and he didn't like the fact that he wouldn't feel the taste of whatever he was eating due to the taste of the tooth paste which never wore off on time.

He saw Eesh sitting on the couch with legs crossed. She had her phone in hand and an air pod was attached to her ears.

"Aisha." Eesh rolled her eyes. She had corrected him and had gotten tired of it. Her name was Eesh and not Aisha, why didn't he get that? She didn't have it in her to keep on correcting him for the rest of their lives because she didn't plan on becoming a divorcee. She got rid of the last thought and paused the video she was watching.

"What is it? Do you want to ask for your food?" Eesh sneered with a sinister smile on her face.

Abulkhair reminisced the taste of the food she made, his mouth was suddenly lubricated and his tongue involuntarily slipped out to lick his lips. But when he remembered how he had stooled and fallen unconscious because of the poison that was surprisingly delicious, he swallowed down the saliva.

"No, I'll order something." Eesh laughed, the laughter sounded wicked to Abulkhair's ears.

"Are you sure?" Eesh showed him a warmer and without thinking twice he opened it. There sat the prettiest naan he had seen.

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