724 139 97

Wuse, Abuja, Nigeria.
Monday, 12th February, 2018

Ahmad AbulKhair adjusted his cap and picked his car key. It was the day he was going to prove all his greedy paternal family members that thought everyone was like them, wrong. It was the day he was going to completely take over his deceased father's business. May his soul rest in eternal peace.

He slipped into his black half cover shoes and took a mirror picture in front of his floor length mirror in a side of his room. He was dressed in a white brocade with a black plain cap. A Dior wristwatch adorned his hand as a silver azurfa ring adorned the middle fingers of each hand.

He walked out of his room with a small smile etched on his lips. It was the love of his life's birthday, Nana Asma'u Ibrahim. He bumped into his paternal cousin, Fahad Abubakar Salis.

"Wai kai makaho ne {are you blind}?" Fahad said irritatedly.

"Dallacan malam I don't have your time today." AbulKhair said, walking away leaving a gaping Fahad.

AbulKhair had never talked back at Fahad. Not even when Fahad would insult AbulKhair's deceased parents. But just because he had bumped into him he got insulted. That wasn't even an insult but it still pained Fahad that AbulKhair had gotten the nerves to talk back at him.

And it was no one's fault but that rich retired doctor, Honorable Doctor Alhaji Muhammad Umar Jalingo. And Fahad knew exactly how to deal with him. Alhaji Muhammad was the main reason why the extended family of Alhaji Al'amin Abubakar, AbulKhair's father, didn't get any inheritance from his vast properties, in Fahad's point of view that is.

But in reality, it wasn't actually Honorable Doctor Alhaji Muhammad Umar Jalingo's fault. Prior to Alhaji Al'amim's death, he had willed all his properties to AbulKhair. So the property got transferred to AbulKhair's name. Due to the fact that AbulKhair was just ten years old, Alhaji Muhammad took care of the business till AbulKhair was done with his studies then he could give everything to him as willed. But Fahad wouldn't believe it even though deep down, he knew that was nothing but the truth.

AbulKhair entered his ash Mercedes Benz c300 and drove off to Asokoro, where he was going to meet with his father's lawyer, before they'd go to Alhaji Muhammad's house, where everything would be legally handed over to him.

As he drove off to his father's lawyer's place, a contact saved as rabin raina️ with a heart emoji called him. He grinned and picked the call.

"Assalamu Alaikum {peace be unto you}. Don't even start, I know exactly what you want to say." AbulKhair said in a warning tone.

"I have to. God! Thank you so much. Wallahi {By Allah} I love you. May Allah enrich your pockets and may we be together forever. God, how do I ever repay you?" Nana Asma'u, AbulKhair's girlfriend and the lady he wanted to marry said.

"Just keep on being an awesome girlfriend and be sure to accept me when I come to ask for your hand in marriage."

"An gama maigidan Nana {It's done Nana's husband}." Nana Asma'u said chuckling.

"Yawwa. Love you."

"I love you too. You're coming around eight in the night koh?"

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