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Umariri Songhai, Maiduguri, Nigeria.
Wednesday 3rd April, 2018.

Uwani's mother was in one of the rooms of the Umar ancestral home. There were five suitcases from Eesh's lefe sitting opened in front of her, one contained makeup items, one contained atamfas, another; laces, another; cooperate clothes, the other; shoes and the last; bags. It was a tradition in the Umar Jalingo family that few out of the lefe of a bride would be shared amongst her cousins who weren't married yet. It was believed to bring them Goodluck in choosing their spouse.

"Call all the young unmarried girls." Uwani's mother ordered and Uwani nodded then rushed downstairs, she came back together with Amrah, Ruqayya, Ikram, Meenal, Neeha and Ummi.

"Good, count yourselves." Amrah turned and counted them with her fingers.

"We're seven." Uwani's mother nodded and asked who was the oldest. They all pointed at Uwani and Uwani's mother gestured for her to come. She did just that.

"Count the atamfas." Uwani nodded.

"Fifty." Uwani's mother nodded.

"Divide fifty by seven." Ikram worked it on her phone.

"Seven point..." Uwani's mother cut her off.

"Seven, starting from the oldest everyone take seven atamfas each." Uwani picked seven randomly, followed by Ummi, Ruqayya then Neeha. Ikram and Meenal came together as they were born on the same day though from different parents. The last person was Amrah who was asked to take the suitcase too after removing the last one that was remnant.

"Now the second oldest come and count these laces, divide it and tell me." Ummi came and counted. She tapped some things on her phone before she turned to Uwani's mother.

"The same thing with the atamfas, seven."

"Take seven and move." Ummi nodded and took seven, Uwani's mother pointed at Ruqayya and she came and took seven too. Then Neeha, then Ikram and Meenal together, then Amrah before lastly Uwani who kept the remnant on the bed together with the remnant of the atamfa then took the suitcase.

"Third, come and open the third suitcase and count how many things are there." Ruqayya came forward and did as told.

"There are fifteen jean trousers —seven high waist and eight fitted—, ten palazzos, seven crop tops, twenty t-shirts, seven sweaters, fifteen high waist skirts, ten maxi dresses, ten leggings, three hoodies, ten kimonos and ten boyfriend jackets." Uwani's mother slumped on her seat. She hated doing those works.

"Let's start with the jean trousers now shall we?"

"Everyone will get two each with one as remnant."

"Okay, take two. Each, from Ruqayya, to Neeha, Ikram, Meenal, Amrah, Uwani and lastly Ummi." They did as told and that was how all the things were shared equally. The remnants were shared amongst other people randomly.

Ummi took all her things in her suitcase to the room she was sharing with Ruqayya. On her way back, her phone started ringing. She picked the call without checking the caller's ID and Alhaji Muhammad's voice hit her ears.

After they had exchanged pleasantries, he asked her to send Eesh to his side. She said an okay and he thanked her.

"Eesh! Daddy is calling you." Ummi shouted once she reached the door to the room Eesh. Eesh came out wearing an azure Hijab. She walked out and to her father's wing, wondering why he called her. Did Abulkhair report her because she stepped on him with her heels? She chuckled inwardly before entering the parlor.

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