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I'm lips or Phillips twin we are eleven years old our dad is a drunk who comes home and steals our money food and alcohol. Our mum left when fiona was 9 me and lip 6 ian 5 Debbie and Carl were 4 and 3. And a new born baby dumped on our hands and he was named Liam.

Me lip and fiona are the ones in charge but its mainly me and fiona. We are all close but as our parents are dead beat me and lip started drinking when we were seven and smoking when were 10. Why we just did. We do everything together as family is all you got and who knows you better then you your twin.

Our next door neighbours Kevin and Veronica they help us out a lot. Also very protective of me why I go out and party with fiona and Veronica.

My best friends are mickey and mandy milkovichs.

Emma Rose Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now