Chapter 8. The Response

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As the five of them walked into transfiguration. When they walked in they were the only ones their and a cat on the desk. And writing on the chalk board so as they sat down. Crabbe and goyle at the front. Emma and Draco behind them and Blaise behind them. And people started to crown in as they wrote down which was on the board. Five minutes later Ron and Harry ran into the classroom out if breath.

"Imagine mconagall faces if we were late."

"That was bloody amazing."

"Thank you. Your late maybe one of yiu could of transfiguredinto a pocket watch."

"We got lost."

"Maybe a map then. I don't think you need on to fin your seats."

So the boys sat down beside me with a confused look onto their face.


"Why didn't you say we were going the wrong."

"Payback for calling slytherinz evil. You could of asked if you were lost instead of ignoring the boys."

"We are sorry. Your right. We shouldn't judge and asked."

"Your right."

"What are we doing."

"Writing what's in the board."

"Thanks Malfoy."

They went to writing the words onto their parchment with their ink and quill like the rest of us.

Afterwards we were walking to our next class when we got called back by Mcgonagall.

"Yes Proffesor."

"When why did you pick Slytherin."

"Evil isnt born neither is good. Its made. And my whole life people called me a snake or evil for the stuff me my friends have done to just survive. So i went to this house as they can understand. And to prove that they aren't mean or horrible or evil just misunderstood."

"I see. At the end of term a student does a speech i would like you to do it."

"How long does it have to be."

"As long as you want."

So as we walked out harry and Ron were waiting outside for us. And we went out they did something I thought they were to proud to do.

"We are sorry for ignoring you earlier."

"Its fine."

They all said and the two walked of.

"What is your speech going to be."

"About good and evil. That's all im saying."

"Cant wait."

"Thank you."

As the five if them sit on the table in the great hall eating their own food when dozens of owls flew over our heads dropping letters and parcels if all kind sizes and three letter dropped by the boys. And they read them out one by one.

Dear Draco

We would love to help this girl out and please tell she is allowed over at any moment or at any holidays and so are her siblings. I would love to meet this girl. Your farther will speak to her family and see how much they need if you please give us her address and the four of us will come and explain.

Emma Rose Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now