Chapter 6. A Letter.

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As we walked to our common room we were led to a dark place with cobwebs all over the place and like a 10 degrees drop that we were shaking a bit to how cold it was. As we made it their was a lady with a snake around it. As we walked closer the lady stopped and looked towards us and said.



The painting swung open and revealed a beautiful green painted walls with black fake wooden wallper by fireplace. Which has black and green rug and ontop of that. And black leather couches with a pin pattern on the back with a white rug. The armchairs are black with different coloured words on it. The paintings are all famous people who were in slytherin. And in the corner was a marble chess set which moved. This new. So the four us sat in the sofa and armchair. We me and draco were in the sofa and crabbe and goyle were in the armchair.

"So Emma. Apart from your family did you have any friends."

"Didn't you hear crabbe that her and her friends get called snakes and evil. So obviously she has friends."

"Yes I do. Micky and Mandy milkovich. Micky is a year older and Mandy is a year younger. They are feared beacuse of their parents well dad. So don't have many friends. My family don't trust them as they don't know them. And our next door neighbours. Kevin and Veronica. We call them Kev and V. They are in their 20s. Own  pub the same pub that my dad Frank drink dries. They can't help with money but they can help other ways. Like V helps when we were in a fight or setting she knows how bandge us or what has happened. Kev is overprotective of us as Frank can't be he will and he is mainly overprotective of me and Ian my younger brother by a year beacuae of what happens at home. Micky taught me how to fight. And mandy taught me that you should always be looking good especially with heels. I was confused until I understood why heeled shoes as they are a  weapon in themselves so I always wear heeled boots."


"Ye. Now I'm going to find my room. And wish me luck as I have a feeling I'm witg pugsin."

"Good luck."

Dracos P O V

As she went upstairs me and the boys waited five minutes till we went upstairs so we could ask our parents for help for Emma and her family. So I went to my owl and pulled out a black envelope green parchment and white ink and my quill and started writing.

Dear mum and dad.

There is this girl Emma Gallagher The second chosen one. Well she and her family need help. As we have loads of money and some we have no idea what do with. I was wondering if we could give her some as her mum is awal and only comes to drop of another child or if she wants money and her dad is a drunk and only wants money and cigarettes he's mostly on the garden passed out on the street or in a pub their next door neighbour owns. And her and her sister look after them she is 14 her sister and well Emma is 11. Dropped out at school when she was 6 to look after her younger siblings  and something happens at home as her siblings are overprotective of her and her younger brother ian. She hasn't told us. But she only told us not to ask you guys for help but if we did only a little. She caved as we kept saying we will do it. And she actually wants to be my friend for me and not for wealth and she doesnt fear me. Yes she is a muggleborn but her famiy were purebloods before her dad was a squib. Oh and also she is in all four houses.

Emma Rose Gallagher Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora