Chapter 12. Quiditch Slytherin

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Flint stopped Neville and Emma and took a breath before carrying talking.

"This morning I ran into your other friends after I saw Wood carry you inside and the bushy haired girl said do you think you will survive Christmas what does that mean Emma."

Shd didn't reply before Neville stood next to Flint with worry in his eyes waiting for her to reply but instead she just gives them a letter which is poorly written with stains all over the letter.

"Why you giving this."

"Can I trust you Flint."


"Then read."

He reads the letter and gives it Neville but he gives up reading half way through.

They look at her while she's looking at the ground not knowing what to do.

"Your not going home."

"Im going because if I dont its. Ian And they only listen to me."

"Then I'm coming with."

"We don't have any room. We barely have room for Harry. Flint."

"You can't go."

"Then you send owls everyday so I know your alive."

"I'll try."

"Come on we have quiditch,you need to change."

She nodded and left in the direction of the dungeons and Flint waited their for her mainly because he couldn't move and when the team got their Neville said goodbye to him and went to the stands and Flint just looked at them like someone's dead.

"Right im here. We ready."

"Yes. Lets go."

Everyone found out about Harry but no one found about Emma so when she was announced it made sense to the trio except Harry and the boys why she wasn't really spending time with them it was because she was playing. Practicing and she was good.

"Their goes Emma Gallagher, for someone who didn't know what quiditch was she is pretty lethal. Oo watch out Har- to late the bludger hit his broom but he's still on."

"Look at Angelina go shes pushing through shes going to do it and score. 10 points to Gryfindoor."

"Oh wait 10 points to Slytherin thanks to Emma."

"Its 40-10 Slytherin"

"Come on Potter find the Snitch."

But it wasn't Harry it was Slytherin. It was close Harry was about to reach when a bludger came at him so he pulled back and the Slytherins won.

"Slytherins win 140-10"

So after the game they shook hands and Emma congratulated Harry on his first game and said it wasn't her who did that bludger which made him feel better. That's when Wood came over and congratulated Emma.

"I see those extra lessons paid off."

"I guess they did. Thank you. Good luck against Hufflepuff."

"Thank you."

Wood put his arm around her and brought her back to Flint who was looking for his little beater and thanked Wood.


"No prob hey Emma still up for tonight."

"Yeah. See ya tonight."

He walked of and Flint put her on his shoulders as they walked back to the castle and all her friends came up to her.

Emma Rose Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now