Chapter 5. The sorting

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After the bushy haired girl left i completely forgot who she was anyway Ron was saying something about her and I really could care less. Anyway after they talked about the bushy girl I decided to but in.

"Did any of you bring anything else except a wand. I did."

"What do you mean."

"I brought a bat."

"I thought i told you to leave it."

"I thought i told you its incase I get pissed of. Its only used when we want to kill someone. So we wack them real hard then walk of so they get the message. Now how can I do that with a bat. My fist I can see. But I need a bat.'

"Why do you have a bat in the first place."

"I can't tell you Ron."

"Why not."

"Beacuse Harry is going to come to mine for Christmas and he will find out. And we said I can't say what happenes. We made a bet who has the worst parents or guardians. I said me and he said himself."

"Well. I don't know what to say to that."

"Don't worry."

As we kept talking about how excited we are but we haven't read any of the books. Because we aren't nerds. Until the girl came back and said we needed to change.

"Hell nah. I'm staying in this."

"You have to.'


"Your really not changing are you."


"Well we will be back."

After 10 minutes they came back and aa soon as they sat down the train had stopped signalling that we are here at hogwarts well hogsmeade. So as we exit the carriage and the train we hear a calling for first years so as we walk closer we see its hagrid so as we walk closer he notices us.

"Ah Emma and Harry how are you."

"We are good hagrid. How are you."

"I'm good."

He led us down a small path with steep slippery steps leading down to a lake. Whivh has wooden boats on. It was three to a boat so me Harry and Ron went on one. While we were gliding across the lake my hand was skimming just above it. We kept talking and Ron brought up the houses.

"Well there's is gryfindoor hufflepuf ravenclaw and slytherin. Slytherin has bad luck as it has bad witches and wizards in it."

"But wasn't merlin in that house and he isn't evil. You know People aren't born evil they are made by judgement being the dissapointment the neglect. Words people put into their heads. Some people do bad things to survive. Some people have to so they don't lose everything."

"I didn't know."

"You just thought people are born evil."

"Well it seemed like it."

"Why do you think slytherins act harsh towards other houses."

"I don't know."

"What do you think of them."

"That their evil and a snake."

"Exactly you judge them before you know them. What if i get slytherin are you going to stop talking to me."

"No because your kind."

"And maybe some slytherins are kind or maybe they all are they just don't show because of the judgement."

Emma Rose Gallagher حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن