Chapter 1. Finding out

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The sun dancing on my face radiating my skin with the necessary vitamins. Which woke me up to the sun blinding me. As I try to move i notice a hand around my waist which is keeping me safe in my place as i look down I notice it was lip holding me close. Why are we in the same room same bed. Its because Ian carl and Liam share a room. Fiona and Debbie have their own and me and lip share. As I move out of my place and swap myself with a pillow so he won't wake up.

While I walk down the stairs I notice frank laying down on the ground. As i go over to him and shake all the money out of his pockets. Why. One its fun and second I need some money. I carry on going to the kitchen and make everyone beans on toast. While placing down the plates and fork on the table I get pulled into a side hug by my twin lip. We are close as we learnt that out of the entire family we that to each other we can only rely on each other no matter what ups and downs through everything.

"All Gallaghers who aren't drunk or high yet please make your way to the kitchen for breakfast. If not me and lip will eat all."

"Hurry up. I'm eating yours Ian and carl. Oh so good. Twin."

"Lip eat your own."

"Yas ma'am."

"Hey Em. Tomorrow is my day so no cooking."

"Yes fiona."

"Hey Debs. How are you."

"I'm good how are you. Em and lippy"

"Were good."  "Were good."

"You liar Phillip you said you were eating mine."

"It got you up didn't it."

"Someone needs to take Liam today."

"Not it." Me and the three boys say simertainisly

"Show and tell."

"Birth mark lower back."


"Money guys electricity."

As we all put money in except Carl and Liam. But we are still short.

"I'm tutoring Karen. So i can get some money from that."
I give me him a little nudge.

"I get paid today so that should help us out."

"Okay we are close."

"Lip and Ian. You look after them as me V and Em are going out."

"Shes eleven fiona."

"I was 6 when Monica took me to clubs. I'm showing what she should and shouldn't do."

"Look after."

"Always do."

"Hey V."

As we all filed out the house going to school. We walk to the mikoviches which got my brothers panties in a twist.

"How are you friends with them."

"There good people. And plus I punched Brad as he was harassing mandy. So that's how we got to being friends and mickey thanked me and thats how we became friends."

"Be careful."

"Always am."

As we waited for them to walk out of their house. They pulled me into a hug and I went back to standing by lip as I could see he was scared but not of them but for me. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and im sure mickey could see how lip could feel.

"Look Gallagher. I may not like you at all. But she's fine alright and I'm glad you look after thats what a brother should do. I know some who ignore there sister especially when she needed it. So im glad. I will look after her. She is like my little sister and like mandy older sister."

"Thanks. I mean it."

As the five carried on walking to school in a comfortable silence the one where you don't feel pressure to speak. I pull out two cigs where lip pulls out our lighter what we nicked. As he lit mine and his up we carried on walking until hell oh I mean school is in sight. While we stump out our cigs we walk into our class with mr bore. His class wants to put me asleep.

Thats what I did but rudley awoken and it was lip he gave me a mischievous smile.

"Phillip what's the question."

"Dont know. Should I know."


"I believe the answe to the question is the same to most questions 'Fuck You.'."

With that we walked out of whatever class that was but before we could leave to go get high or drunk somewhere. A secatary came out with mandy mickey
Carl Debbie ian and Liam.

"Your needed at home."

"Why are mickey and mandy here."

"They are needed aswell she told me that three of you will know what a code red is."

After she said that i legged it out of school turning right and running straight home. But should I as Frank. He will be out or passed out right. As I get to our house I freeze and hear shouting going on I didn't even know the others are behind me.

"You. You stole it from me. I am going to kill you."

"Frank let go you are not killing one of your kids. It was your fault you didn't get it."

I decided I should just go in but before I could take another step mandy and mickey went infront of me then nodded for us to follow. As we walked in we saw Frank sitting on the floor.

"We are here for protection."

"Thanks. It came."

"No. No. No. No. No. Why couldn't it be anyone else."

"Its going to be okay. We are all right here. And I'm sure lip will fight the others if they thought what you are thinking."

"Whats going on."

"She got accepted into hogwarts witchcraft and wizardry. Our family were wizards and witches until Frank didn't get the gene so he didn't get any and now here we are with our sister going to hogwarts with magic."

They didn't say anything but hug me and say that everything is going to be ok. And they are here for me. That is what i needed. As we all stared at Frank he was obviously planning something. But if I'm going that means I won't see my family in under a year each year. Thats going to be tough as we are all super close especially me and lip. As we all just stood and stared at our so called dad he had that look on his face when someone mentions Monica and how she didn't love us he goes buzzuirk. Why. Its because he loved her and she only loved herself alcohol and drugs. Which is so fun. Especially when your dad us passed out somewhere and you have her as a mum

Emma Rose Gallagher Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora