Chapter 11. Dracos World

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Emma even though she didn't want to was either with Neville or with Oliver who was training offered to train her after hours and also talk about Basketball which he found interesting which meant she rarely hang out with anyone else she tried but it was hard, Quidditch practice with the Slytherin team then with wood or in her own then being a friend to Neville as he has no one.

But one day after lunch draco and the boys wanted to know why she was ignoring them and what have they done wrong as well as the golden trio but they all picked the wrong time as she got another letter this time from some one she never wanted to hear from ever again.

"Emma what have we done wrong. You never hang out with us and only Longbottom."

"What has your parents owled you Draco."

"That you and your sister need help. Parental help and the house you live in needs some love with the holes in and paint peeling but your struggling we can help."


"You just have to move to England and into the mannor."

"What about Micky and Mandy or Veronica and Kevin we can't leave them. Leaving them is like leaving behind half of us. Understand. My mother is coming back for Christmas which means more stress for me and I can't handle it. I'm a kid I'm only 11. I should be doing kid things messing with boys not worrying about if me or my brother will be alive after Christmas. I can't do it. They don't listen to Fiona its always me. And I'm not ignoring any of you. Harry you know what I'm doing and I'm suprised your not getting any extra in. So please please let me just be kid."


"I have to go i promised Wood I'll meet him and hey I'm just a monster who can't communicate.'

So as she left the four Slytherin boys and the golden trio some having and other fighting tears with the heart to heart she had and Minnie was behind the corner listening to every word she knew she shouldn't but when you become emotionally attached its hard not to.

But they all looked towards eachother and decided without talking to follow her and wherever Wood is but where suprsied to see her and her him sitting in the Quidditch stands just talking. But they weren't the only ones following them that night.

"Hey Wood do you think I'm a train wreck."

"No. I think you've had it hard. Abandon by your mother everyone knows your farther hates you and Ian he had to drop him what did they mean. Your siblings it seems only listen to you and you are here."

"Nothing important."

"Have you been crying."

"What if I have."

"Do you want a hug."

"You know the only person who actually gives me them are my twin and Ian and thats it the others dont unless I'm leaving for a long time."

"Come here."

He wrapped his arm around her shoulders as she laid her head on his shoulders and they stayed like that till morning talking about nonsense and that nonsense and everything before could be heard by everyone who was saying on them.

And Wood he motioned for her to let everything go so she did all shes been holding in since she was holding in since she was little since it all started. And curled up in his arms and was silently crying and if you didn't know or you would think that she was asleep and he was her Knight in Quidditch gear.

She soon did fall asleep so he carefully picked her up and carried her down and the others tried to make it look like they were just up for a very early morning stroll bit it didn't work he saw through it but didn't say anything and nodded at them and carried on leaving them walking towards the Quidditch pitch and them with questions.

But Flint came up to them with the team and he actually seemed worried but it was masked once he knew people could see that they knew he cared for the girl. Many older kids cared for her.

"Was that Emma with Wood.'

"They were out all night. They both had brooms but I think it we messed up the little broom ride she didn't shout more of a sad heart to heart. And Potter do you still think you have it rough.'

"No. No I don't she has to have bat for self protection I'm guessing from her parents. Their worse. My aunt and uncles don't do stuff like that."

"Do you think she will survive Christmas."


They started to walk away and fast as the Quidditch team started to shout in unison.

"What happening Christmas."

But it was no use because they just ran to change into their uniforms and hope she would be their bad their she was walking with Wood into the great hall.

She was wearing a greay top with Nasa logo on ot under short dungarees and a long top which everyone over year 1 is sure they have seen before with a jumper tied around her waist. Dirty converse from the night before and a pair of red sunglasses on her face and their was something black poking put of her her pocket and her hair was short and a greyish blue

 Dirty converse from the night before and a pair of red sunglasses on her face and their was something black poking put of her her pocket and her hair was short and a greyish blue

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She bided Wood a goodbye that's when they recognised they large flanel top it was his as she walked out the door with Neville and Flint and their was inaudible dialogue.

Emma Rose Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now