Chapter 10. The letter

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It was the next day and her and Harry were learning Quidditch with Flint and Wood it was taking longer because the boys were scared of her and Oliver wanted to know about Basketball and Flint didn't want to say no to her so he listened in aswel and he found it interesting and she told them that her and her twin normally bunk of school and steal a couple of things bit wouldnt say what because it would ruin the surprise for Harry and watch it and its something fun to watch.

"Right Emma your a Beater so hit this as hard as you can for me."

"Towards someone."

"Aim at me. Lets see how-"

He didn't get to finish that sentence as the bludger came back and she hit it at Flint and fell to the floor holding his stomach in pain and groaning while she smiled at the scene. Harry and Oliver took a step back so they didn't get hit.

She looked at the boys shaking her head while holding the bat and throwing it between her hands.

"Did you forget what I said on the first day. This is how my family deals with problems Harry you will see what type of problems I cant say but that hit wasn't even my hardest it was like a tap so either your overreacting or I'm just that great."

"Your just that great."

"Awe. Is Flint scared of a girl.

"You want to have a go."

"No. Im good."

"Go check it out in the hospital and how about a treat when Basketball starts we will watch it and miss class."


"What about us."

"You cant tell anyone."

"We won't."

"Then your in."


"Just go to the hospital."

So Flint left to go to the hospital while Oliver carried on teaching them about Quidditch until it was time for dinner so the three of them walked to dinner like it was a usual thing to see them together.

She bid them goodbye and went over to Neville and sat down next to him with a little smile which he returned and he put his book down about plants which Emma picked back up.

He gave her a questioning look well everyone did because no one hangs out with Neville and she is one of the most popular girls people were confused why she would hang out with him. But she just smiled at him.

"Neville may I borrow your book this seems interesting."

"Of course. Plants are one favourite things."

"Really. I think their really cool aswel."

They just smiled at each other  and when she saw Flint walk in holding his stomach she laughed a little and she explained it to Neville and asked him to not tell anyone to which he agreed to.

That's when Pansy came walking over with her little group of girls but Emma didn't notice she and Neville was talking about their plants.


"Parkinson and her friends what can I do for you."

"We wanted to ask you to leave Draco alone."

"Hes my friend. He can make decisions. If he wants to be my friend he can be and if I want to be I can be. I can be friends with whoever I want. Now that invitation stretches to you lot but if you decline that's it. Your choice. Bye Neville."

"Bye Emma."

She left and went to the Hufflepuf table and everyone could see that she was trying to make friends in every house even though she chose Slytherin. She is a really caring person but just dont mess with her.

That's when a owl came swooping in with a bandaged wing with a red letter going to the hufflepuf table everyone came to a stand still and Draco,Goyle and Crabbe walked over same with Neville. And when she opened its not what she expected to hear at all.

You little bitch how dare you steal this from me.

Someone go get Micky and Kev and get Frank out of here. How dare you say that to her you have no right your the dick for abandoning us.

Fiona don't say anymore remember Harry is coming round so we can't ruin it.

Whats going on. Why is Frank in the house who let him in. Debbie you normally let him in.

I didn't I swear Emma told me not to as she's away. And.

You listen to Emma.

Hi I'm Mr Malfoy and this is my wife Mrs Malfoy.

Hi did you get the letter.

Frank get out. Now. Get of him.

Let go of Ian. Frank.

That's when the letter fell onto the table and everyone turned to the girl who put her head on the table and Draco followed suit.

She felt sorry for his family to see what her Father was like doing that to Ian. She kept her head in the table until she felt someone tap her shoulders multiple times it was Neville he had his hand out for her she took it and he led her out of the hall and she slid back onto the wall until she reached the concrete floor.

"Emma. What happens at home."

"Frank. My dad is a alcoholic and an addict we have no money i had to drop out of school and go to school very rarely so did Fiona. We have to look after siblings. Monica my mum is a wall no idea where she is and Frank hits me and Ian because we reminded him of Monica and now im a witch he was the only one out of his siblings who wasn't a wizard. He hurts my other siblings if he can't find me or Ian. And Harry thinks his is worst so he is coming round to see."

"Oh Emma. I'm here for you."

"Thanks. I feel sorry for Dracos parents they were their and now I wonder what they think of me because Frank was hurting Ian.'

"Its all going to be ok."

"You don't know that."

'I do. Its all going to be ok."

Emma Rose Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now