Phantom Blood 7

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Dio the invader part 5

Meanwhile, Jonathan arrived at the Joestar estate.

"DIO!!" he yelled blinded by rage. He slammed open the doors and found Dio reading a book calmly in the entrance hall.

Suddenly Dio stood up, ramming his foot on the ground annoyed:"I would not use my name lightly if I were you."He replied coldly.

"This ends now! I won't let you hurt her again!" Jonathan cried out, sprinting towards him, ready for a full on fight. "Your fight is with me!!!!"

"So you heard about your darling Erina?" Dio said smugly. "Now you want revenge with your fists, eh?"

"I won't let you insult her!" Jonathan shouted loudly, throwing the first punch mid air as Dio blocked it.

"Jealousy is unbecoming of you, Jojo!" Dio taunted him and elbowed him in his face. "Thirsty for a repeat of our little boxing brawl?" Jonathan stumbled back with a bloody nose as Dio fixed his clothing.

I am not in his league, Jonathan thought, but I cannot lose now or I will spend the reat of my life in Dio's shadow. Lady Y/N cannot protect me forever. I have to fight to take back Erina's honor!

Dio threw his jacket away, getting ready to fight seriously as he thought; there will be nothing left of him once I finished him. And I will do it fair and square. He will know that he can never beat me. Not in a fight and certainly not in life.

The Jonathan sprinted to Dio yet again.

"Come!"Dio invited him as Jonathan got ready to punch him. Dio blocked it again, by crossing his arms and kicking Jonathan's chin. That's it! What a feeling! He thought. I got him right in the face, he won't be able to-

Jonathan grabbed Dio full force.

How could he grab me after that kick?! Dio panicked bringing his hands to Jonathan's shoulders.

"How about more?!" Jonathan said head-butting Dio right after the words left his mouth, making him lose the grip he had on his shirt. "DIO!" He shouted with every punch he threw at him, hitting Dio continusly. I am going to beat you until you cry, Jonathan noted bitterly, remembering all the times Dio had humiliated him in fron of his father, in front of his former friends, in front of Y/N!

Hoe could rubbish like him beat me? Dio could not believe it. What is going on?! He thought as he was sent flying through the air and landing harshly on the cold floor, his blood splattering everywhere.

Some of it landed on the ominous stone mask which hung on a wall. It reacted, it was rattling as suddenly, sharp ends extended themselves from the back of the mask, making it fall to the ground.

However none of the boys really paid attention to it, still Jonathan's eyes shifted a bit to look at the mysterious stone mask, but he quickly averted his eyes back to Dio.

"You-!" The blond growled. "How dare you?!" He was crying Jonathan realized. "Bloody bastard!"He shouted pulling out a sharp pocket knife. Both were ready to go for each other's head again when-

"What is going on you two?" George Joestar exclaimed from the first floor, standing on top of the stairs. Quickly Dio hid his knife behind his back.

The last one standing A Jojo's bizarre adventure fanfictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum