Stardust Crusaders 12

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What happened previously:

After you were finally finished with him you walked away as Jotaro heaved himself out of the water following ager you without looking back.

"Y/N...." He spoke up after a while....looking at you from behind.

"Yes Jotaro?" You turned around smiling at him. "What is up?"

Jotaro kept silent tilting his hat down...."Where are you going?"

"We are going to pick up Anne and then finally get the damn train tickets! Before we o back to the damn hotel so I can hit Joseph!" you screamed angrily stomping to the building as Jotaro shook his head in disbelief, you were truly an odd individual....He watched you as he trailed behind...he really wanted to keep you safe but in the end no one can since you alone are....


The Emperor and the Hanged Man Part1

You guys were currently on your way to India by train as you leaned on Jotaro's shoulder napping peacefully.

"Good grief...." Jotaro sighed remembering only yesterday you went crazy chasing Joseph through the whole hotel, for a honestly really stupid reason and now you were tired, he shook his head pulling you closer so you could rest more comfortably as you lips slightly tugged upwards as the teenager tilted his head down. For real this woman....Before you boarded the train you made a call to Caesar asking about updates about Holy's condition and it was not looking good......

"So we are finally on our way t India." Ponlareff stated looking out of the window of the dining wagon grimly. "And the man with two right hands is called Centerfold...."

"By the way, where did Anne run off to?" Joseph asked you as you shrugged.

"She was hanging around Singapore Station right before our train departed." You closed your eyes taking a sip of your tea, you kind of missed her but it was better that way.

"I am sure it was time for her to meet her father." Avdol smiled.

"That story about her dad sounded real fishy to me. I bet she is a runaway. Don't you agree Y/N?" Polnareff exclaimed as you nodded your head slowly. "But it is a bit lonely without that little rug rat, right, Jojo, Y/N?"

"You do like her after all." You smirked. "And I was worried..."

"It is eerie....To think a Stand could disguise himself as me." Kakyoin stated.

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