Diamond is Unbreakable 27

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Chapter Notice:           janken= rock-paper-scissors

What happened previously:

"Tomoko, I am heading out again." You announced as you put your washed dishes into the cupboard, carefully, Josuke and his mother looking up to you in surprise.

"What do you mean, Y/N? Are you going to visit your friend in the hospital again?" Tomoko asked, realeaseing Josuke from her chokehold after having heard that he forgot his last homework yet again.

"Do you mean Dr. Aya Tsuji?" Josuke piped up curiously, while you only nodded slightly.

"Is she in the hospital in Morioh?" Tomoko inquired worriedly. "It is already late evening, you do not have too far, right?"

"I have to drive to Tokyo." you replied ,scratching the back of your neck uneasily as Tomoko crossed her arms in front of her chest. "So it takes a few hours when I take the car. She is in a critical condition." you bit your lip.

"Y/N, I am not going to hold you back." Tomoko reassured you, standing up as she wlked over to you, taking your hand. "It is just that it was only yesterday, when Josuke brought you back, passed out, not showing any kind of reaction when we called out to you. It does not help that nobody wanted to elaborate anything to me. As soon as you woke up you hurried to Tokyo in the middle of the night." she trembled. "Do you know how worried I was, to find out you had just left and only have leftbehind a short note?" she scolded you, getting worked up as she looked up to you, hitting your hard chest. " You only returned in the early afternoon to drop by and eat, to go again in the afternoon to a murderer's house! And now you want to leave again!" She shouted as you saw tears forming in the corners of her beautiful eyes. "We are worried about you, you do not get to be so selfish-"

Suddenly your strong arms wrapped around her smaller frame, sighing.

"Thank you for worrying." You smiled warmly. "I am fine, so do not think about it too much. I got a good rest. She is a very dear friend, who helped me through a tough time, so I have to be there for her."

"Then I have to be here for you too." Tomoko pushed you back, grinning mischieviously whipping her head around seeing Josuke stare at you two awkwardly, sipping his hot beverage. 

"Josuke, By the time we come back, you have made your homework, turned of your stupid video games and are asleep. Or else." She threated him as his face turned pale, while you stared at her in surprise, golden eyes widening. "Y/N, I am driving." Tomoko stated firmly as you hurriedly raised your hands in surrounder as she moved close. "Give me your keys, tomorrow is my free day and you need to rest. No way I am letting you drive." She stated, walking out of the kitchen to the hallway, shouting. "Where are your keys, Y/N? Hurry up!"

"Tomoko..." You whispered as you and Josuke exchanged an awkward laugh, which ended in Josuke hurriedly standing up to run to the living room to get his school bag.

"She is going to kill me if I don't." Josuke panicked while you laughed silently. "Take your time Y/N, you hold my fate in your hands!" He cried comedically as you stood there, leaning on the sink, still shocked at the sudden development.

"I love this family so much." You laughed as you fixed your posture, glancing back to see Josuke groaning in frustration as he did his Japanese essay which was due tomorrow, visibly struggling. Sighing contently, you walked out of the door to get flicked on the forehead by the black haired woman in front of you.

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