Phantom Blood 25

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The final ripple

"Y/N!" Jonathan cried fumbling with his red tie, hand shaking.

"What is wrong Jonathan?" You chuckled laying your novel to the side amused, you were quite fond of this book, and it was one of your favorite stories, fairytales: Grimms Märchen. You observed the nervous Joestar. "Need help?"

"Please, Y/N." He sighed.

You stood up slowly walking up to him calmly, you reached out your hands fixing his attire and combed through his hair lovingly.

"I just cannot believe it Jonathan." You smiled up at the young man in front of you. "You matured so much; it feels like yesterday when I saw you as the naïve boy you were, being beating up by bullies. Now look at you. I am proud to say you won't need me anymore." You stroked his cheek like a mother he never had, you had never done something like this before it felt weird, quickly you retreated you hand a bit flustered, how untypical of you. "And today you are marrying Erina Pendleton. I could not be happier knowing you are in capable hands." You turned around.

"Y/N, what does that mean?!" He whined at you. "I am perfectly capable to take care of myself!"

"I would like to see that Jonathan, I really like to see you try balancing your family life and duties, since I have been doing it for you, Erina is a fine lady, and she is everything you will ever need." You walked out of the room in formal black attire with golden embroidery and golden hairpins resembling fireflies; your hair was swept back as you wore matching earrings.

"Y/N! Wait for me!!" Jonathan rushed after you hot on your tails before stopping in front of the next mirror, checking himself over for the thousandth time.

"Jonathan Joestar! It is my duty as your former teacher; friend and best "Man" To make sure you are on time for your own wedding! You look incredible handsome so come on or else I make you go by foot!!" You threatened opening the front door.

"No Y/N you won't." Jonathan paled,

"Didn't let it come down to this. Erina is waiting." You marched into the sunlight with Jonathan in tow; well you dragged him into the carriage with force. In the carriage was Speedwagon smiling at you both.

"Getting married are you Mr Joestar? And you Y/N gave me a run for his best man. Didn't Erina practically beg you to become her maid of honor?! Why did you have to take my spot?!" He joked.

"You could say I have more balls than you do." You countered smirking at him. "Furthermore I would like to flirt with Erina's maid of honor a tiny bit. It is always surprising to see woman fall me so easily."

The carriage was silent; Speedwagon and Jonathan could only shake their heads in resignation.

"Lady Y/N the womanizer." Speedwagon mumbled.

"But did you see the looks she gets from all the men?" Jonathan whisper added.

"Of course. Sometimes I myself cannot stop staring." Speedwagon whispered back.

The last one standing A Jojo's bizarre adventure fanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora