Stardust Crusader 10

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The Devil

"It appears strength as been defeated. But have no fear." Enyaba ensured the reading Dio. "The remaining six Stand users are all very powerful and one of them is my own son! My son's right hand will crush our enemies!" She snickered as Dio closed his book, standing up casually.

"You are a strange old woman." He chuckled. "What is that you desire most?"

"Oh, but I have told you many times....My only wish is to stay by your side." She smiled looking up to him. "Your guardian spirit has unbelievable power. Your ability to escaped trouble and your strange life are the result of that. I would like to see your life unfold by the one you truly love!....It is the only thing I want."

"Once upon a time, there was a prince from the land of Sumatra." You told Anne walking through the Streets of Singapore with the rest of the crusaders." He traveled the seas, seeking new lands....Eventually he happened upon an island inhabited by white-manned lions called Singas, an island he named Singa Pura." Ane snickered lightly as you grinned down at her. "Today its straits bustle with ships and tankers from around the world! This nation that shares both Western and Eastern heritage thanks to free trade in Singapore!" You stated finishing as Anne and Kakyoin applauded ypu in awe.

"Good grief. We finally made it." Jotaro sighed.

"We will stay at a hotel tonight and figure out our route to Egypt." Joseph declared looking around pointing at the tall building to his right. "All right let us stay at that one!" He declared looking around pointing at the tall building to his right. "all right let us stay at that one!" He decided as you agreed immediately. It looked nice though....

"Hey you!" A Police officer shouting in English as Polnareff turned around confused. "Yeah you with the flat top! You threw this trash didn't you. That is a five hundred Singapore dollar fine!" He declared.

"What five hundred?" Polnareff asked looking at you as you shook your head, not knowing what the cop really wanted from you guys.

"Here in Singapore the law prohibits littering and fines all violators for doing so!" The police officer pointed at a sign right next to you for emphasizes as you chuckled at least he is doing his job properly, however.....

"Five hundred Singapore dollars.....That is about Party thousand yen." Joseph realized.

"Trash?" Avdol asked looking at the cop.

"Got it?" The officer screamed pointing his index finger at the Frenchman.

"What are you talking about sir?" Polnareff inquired as you rolled your eyes in amusement as he looked down seeing his grayish bag on the ground while Avdol laughed at the misunderstanding.

"All I see on the ground here is my own luggage!" Polnareff stated walking closer. "Would you be so kind to tell me what trash you are referring to officer?" The police man flinched in fear backing off slightly. "You sure you see some trash'" He patted his shoulder his grin sending shivers down the cop's spine. "You mean that bag is your luggage?" The officer asked sweating nervously.

"Yeah you got it." Polnareff cheered grimly.

"I am terribly sorry." The officer apologized as the group broke out laughing as Anne joined in making them stop immediately as the girl looked to the side huffing as Polnareff sent the officer away.

"What is up with this kid? She is back with us again'" Polnareff asked you.

"Actually she never left my side." You replied honestly as Joseph spoke up addressing Anne:

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