Stardust Crusaders 39

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What happened previously:

"I doubt we will be able to get Dio's secret out of him now." Avdol observed D'Arby twitching body, mumbling nonsense.

"He was a formidable opponent. A shame truly.... He almost took all of us out. He was quite impressive." You admitted as Jotaro nodded.

"Yes, he was fierce." Avdol agreed as Polnareff rubbed his temples in confusion as all of you walked out of the café, leaving a stunned crowd of speechless men.

"Ugh, what just happened?" Polnareff muttered.

"Guess we cannot be the heroes every episode." Joseph replied under his breath.

In that moment out of nowhere, came Iggy smirking at the camera as all of you walked into the sunset, the pyramids in the background.

Hol Horse and Mondatta Part1

Somewhere in Cairo, inside Dio's mansion, Hol Horse was walking through the pitch black corridors, carefully, trying to keep silent.

"Shit, it is so dark in here. I cannot see a thing. Where is that bastard?" He whispered frustrated lighting his firelighter, illuminating the hallway just barely as he looked around, keeping his guard up. "It is broad daylight and I still have to feel my way around this dump." He cursed lighting his cigarette grimly. "It must have been that room. Dio must be there..." He decided walking a few steps only to nearly stumble over a dead corpse of a beautiful young woman.

"What the-? These are Dio's leftovers? Damn broads just throw themselves at him. Like they want him to drink their blood. Nuts, if you ask me." He observed the ground, seeing at least three corpses lying on top of various treasures. "Guess good has nothing on evil. Besides, where did he get all this gold stuff from?" He asked himself. "This guy can have and do anything." He muttered, closing his fire lighter as he entered the salon, spider webs hanging around everywhere as the blue flames of the chandelier illuminated the dark room, a framed picture of you and Dio hanging on the wall ,from long forgotten times a hundred years ago, no idea how he got his hands on it.

"Did you want something?" Dio's voice asked the blonde cowboy, echoing through the room from the cold stone walls, making Hol Horse flinch, looking around frantically as he saw the vampire floating in the air, picking out a book from the dusty bookshelf.

"Master Dio!" He yelled startled, completely surprised, trying to regulate his breathing again as Dio's feet touched the ground.

Damn! Just looking at him gives me the chills. Hol Horse panted. Keep cool, Hol Horse. He reminded himself. Do not let him get to you.... He is nothing. He is only slightly stronger than you.

"I repeat, did you want something, Hol Horse?" Dio asked his deep voice vibration.

"Ah, uh, well...I came to inform you that, well.... It seems two of the Nine Great Gods, Mariah and Alessi, have been defeated." He stuttered nervously.

"And?" Dio asked.

"And that is not all. Joestar and the others will arrive in Cairo tomorrow. Only three of the Nine Gods remain." Hol Horse went on ,only to get interrupted by Dio again.

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