Battle Tendency 26

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The Ties that bind Jojo

"Kars you bastard! I will make sure you rot in hell!" Joseph screamed in anger.

Jojo does not know....he does not know that woman is his own mother! Smokey saw the blood dripping down Lisa Lisa's pale ski in horror.

Joseph hands were bloody as he struggled to hold on to the rope.

"Hang on tight, Jojo." Kars mocked smugly. "Below is a valley of razor sharp crystal spikes."

"You are as rotten as a moldy thrown-out pumpkin that even flies would avoid!" the Joestar gritted out.

"Go ahead and scream. Whine! Throw insults at me!" Kars offered. "After all that is about all you can do while holding that rope."

"I have to help Joseph!.....Speedwagon!" Your eyes widened seeing vampires came from behind ambushing you they came out streaming from the coliseum like insects. "Seriously? I am in a hurry!" You cracked you knuckles shouting at Stroheim. "I give you guys backup. I hold them back." Your dark aura emerged again. "Let's dance!!"

Suddenly Joseph's grip faltered for a single moment the rope slipping but he caught it again panicking as Lisa Lisa dangled unconsciously, the brunette breathed heavily.

"Jojo! Lisa Lisa!" Speedwagon screamed as you averted your attention just a moment as promptly a vampire bit your hand. "DIE! HAMON OVERDRIVE!!" It was the last thing he did.

"Jojo does not realize that t us his mother's life he is holding onto. Mr Speedwagon we have to tell him!" Smokey exclaimed.

"No." Speedwagon replied tilting down his hat.

"Why not?" The younger boy questioned in disbelief.

"Now is not the time." Was his response. "Stroheim, still fighting the vampires? We have to help Jojo! Y/N cannot make it."

"Are you blind? Look at them all." The Major yelled. "It is going to take more than just a minute or two to clear them out, it is a wonder Y/N is able to hold them back all on her own." His UV lights killed a few vampires who stood in his way. "Out of my sight!"

"This is bad. They need more time." You found yourself surrounded by furious vampires. "PITCH BLACK OVERDRIVE!!" You exclaimed killing many but more were already coming for you. "Joseph...."

"Careful, let down your uard for a second and the rope will slip away." Kars taunted him as Joseph went to kick him but he blocked the attack with his glowing blades, slicing the brunette.

"Your legs may be quick but the rope will only let you move so far." He punched him away.

"He landed a kick on Kars but there was no Hamon!" Speedwagon noticed observing the fight."We are running out of options!"

"Looks like you have used the last of your Hamon. Perhaps you can muster up as a last resort one final attack? Nevertheless, I, Kars shall enjoy this lovely stroll!" He said walking towards Joseph menacingly, slowly like a predator stalking his prey. "As I am about to uproot your life as I would a delicate flower...."

The last one standing A Jojo's bizarre adventure fanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora