Stardust Crusaders 31

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What happened previously:

"Well if it isn't Jotaro." Polnareff yelled, exiting the car as they saw the Highschool delinquent in front of the hospital building.

"Hey, took you long enough. Where is Y/N?" Jotaro asked.

"We took too long?" Joseph asked. "How did you poop behind that rock so fast? I cannot believe you got here before us.....You even went to the dry cleaners?"

Polnareff took the bag of oranges. "Hey Jotaro, do you finally admit to have a crush?"

"What the hell are you two-" Jotaro inquired irritated.

"Who has a crush on whom?" You asked smoothly coming from behind Joseph, startling them.

"Nothing! Did you find the enemies?" Polnareff yelled as you nodded.

"Yep, they were already taken care of accordingly. "Oh, the ambulance." You noticed smirking.

"Oranges? Just about time, I was getting thirsty-" Jotaro stated taking one from the bag, Polnareff was holding, beginning to peel it as the doors of the ambulance opened revealing the beat up brothers.

"Those clothes...." Polnareff mumbled.

"Do you know him?" Jotaro asked as you kept silent.

"No of course not." Polanreff waved him off, shrugging.

"Come on, let's go find out how Avdol and Kakyoin are doing." Joseph decided as you walked over to Jotaro casually.

"So you have a crush on someone? Tell me, who is the lucky man or the lucky lady?" you smiled encouragingly as his eyes widened, trying to avoid facing you to hide his blush, while you cocked your head to the side not prying further.

"And so the brothers eventually gave up. The battle was over and Jotaro and the others were none the wiser. Ba-dum-tss."

Anubis part 1

Inside Kakyoin's hospital room all of the Crusaders were assembled, crowding around him, even the freshly recovered Avdol.

"Any improvement with your injuries Avdol?" You asked the Egyptian fortune teller. "I see you have woken up."

"Yes. But I am relieved to know you will be all right, Kakyoin." Avdol replied smiling, addressing the red head.

"Well, I...Luckily my cornea was not damaged thanks to Y/N, so they expect me to make a full recovery. I remember when I was in middle school and my classmate was struck by a baseball directly in the eye. It turned out he was fine the next day. The eye only lost a bit of fluid." Kakyoin chuckled.

"He was lucky." You blinked.

"Are you serious?" Polnareff yelled in disbelief same with Joseph.

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