Diamond is Unbreakable 26

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What happened previously;


"This-this is ..... What the hell happened?" OKuyasu screamed.

"Wait! That man is not Yoshikage Kira! He has his left hand!" Jotaro warned as Josuke turned around, gasping in horror.

"He does not have a face." You answered before the teenager could reply to your godson. "We lost him." You gritted out. "He is missing his fingerprints on his right hand too."

"Who is this guy?" Josuke questioned.

"He is wearing the same suit...." Aya whispered. "He brought in that guy, and killed him in front of me. He is too terrifying...." She continued her voice barely above a whisper.

"Aya please stop talking, your throat is ripped to shreds, just wait a second and it will be fine." You stopped her. "Do not strain yourself."

"He... made me switch his face using Cinderella... and his hair and fingerprints, by force...." She continued, clutching your hand weakly.

"So he is someone else now?"

"Yes.... H-His face.... His.... Y/N..." He turned to you, beautiful eyes wide in fear as you noticed the severed hand open the back door.

"Jotaro, Josuke, get away, follow that hand!" You shouted. "Get away from here. On the other side of that door! Do not worry about us" You screamed pushing them away. "HEAL!" You screamed on top of your lungs, holding onto Aya as the explosion went off.


The explosion's impact throwing everybody against the wall the entire room covered with smoke.

"AYA!! Y/N!!" Koichi screamed as Jotaro ran towards the door, not hesitating at all.

"Damn it the door! You are not getting away, damn it!" Josuke cursed; however as soon as the door was pushed open, all four of them came to an abrupt stop, facing a huge crowd of people.

"Th-This... I-It is time for everyone to go home...." Koichi whispered in disbelief.

"S-So many-"

"Wh-which on e is he? Which one is Yoshikage Kira?!" Josuke stuttered as Koichi ran forward, shouting.

"Yoshikage Kira, you coward! Show yourself!" He demanded, yelling loudly as some people turned their heads to look at the teenager silently with judgmental and confused stares.

"He managed to get away." Jotaro stated, a shadow cast over his eyes. "He is not going to be quivering or hiding. He is not even going to leave Morioh. He is going to live his life in this town, like he always has.

Atom Heart Father:

"I met that boring man when I was going to community college." A woman narrated, her pale hands touching the violet fabric of the bed sheets. The sun was already setting in Morioh, two crows, soaring through the bluish sky, passing the orange clouds easily. "He went to a pretty upper-rank college in the area and my friends were envious because he was quiet and cool." She continued deep in thought, stroking her pet, a black and white cat absentmindedly. The cat was lying on her lap, sprawled across her dark summer dress which was adored with white dots and a blue rose at her cleavage. The evening sun was filing through the two windows of her left side, illuminating the bedroom the woman sat in. The room was a bit on the larger side, having two doors on two different walls, leading to different rooms. A small chandelier with a decorative boy hanging from the dark ceiling, a double bed, framed with dark brown wood held two pillows on blue, one pink. Each for their respective owner's use, the woman sitting on it casually. Her hazel hair put in a loose low pony tail as her bangs fell into her pretty face delicately, as she stared at her room, observing it. Light brown eyes wandering over to a small modern painting towards her right, bored, then to the other two pieces on the sides of a window and the wooden desk with chair and small desk lamp, as well as the small commode with a vase with flowers on top of it.

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