Battle Tendency 4

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The Game master; Part 2

"Erina, Straizo can only attack as long as it is dark meaning when the sun rises you are safe. Then I will be on my way to look for Joseph then when I know that the sun is rising. We will then return hopefully unharmed and alive and I search for Speedwagon so could you please start to pack a few essentials for Joseph like spare clothes for every season as well as training clothes his passport tequila and the dress in y closet please?" You spoke up tearing your gaze from the window.

"Of course Y/N But why a dress if you don't mind me asking and is tequila necessary? I mean you like to drink yes but really? And you usually never wear dresses not even as a disguise." Erina was puzzled. "Y/N? There is only one dress in your closet and it is way too big for you to fit it..."

"This was the largest size they got in store and I promise you it is not for me." You smirked devilishly packing your identification card, money and spare clothes as well."

"Y/N, please tell me you could not possibly mean..." Erina said eyes wide connecting the dots.

"Of course I do, I am sure he will love it." You winked laughing gleefully as Erina shook her head in disbelief as you posed dramatically, covering the left side of you face with your hand.

Joseph was running from the vampire, his goal was to lure him away from the crowd.

"Wait up Jojo!" Smokey cried out following after the young Joestar as the crowd stared after the duo in disbelief. However Straizo was hanging onto the wall of the façade of the destroyed diner mumbling darkly:" I may be immortal but it will take great energy to regenerate my shattered body."

As the crowd slowly dispersed as a young woman was taking a photo with her camera of the diner.

"All right! What a scoop! The papers will eat this up!" She cheered happily. "Get ready world! Here comes my reporting debut!"

Still unknown to her Straizo climbed down the wall in the shadows to the night digging his fingers into the wall he crashed the stone with his fingers effortlessly. She looked up in shock alarmed by the noise but Straizo jumped out of her field of vision landing on the ground despite his injured state of his body. However it did not left unnoticed by the young woman s she heard him landing.

Something is behind me? She realized gulping in fear not daring to turn around.

In front of a bridge stood Joseph in the dark as Smokey panted from all the running.

"We should be safe now, right?" He questioned the tall brunette.

"I am afraid not Smokey, listen...." Joseph replied not moving

"Listen to what? The river?" Smokey inquired further finally catching his breath.

"Wrong look up!!" Joseph shouted turning around to see Straizo in all his glory with the female reporter as hostage. He stuck his fingers in her mouth muffling her screams of help as her blue skirt moved with the cold night wind.

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