We Have To Stop Meeting Like This (Part 3)

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I hesitated but, at her small nod, gave a final hug and headed back toward the door out of Tartarus. I couldn't ignore the feeling in my gut. It wasn't going to be fine at all.

On the bright side, every step away from the despondency of Tartarus made me feel lighter, until I was practically skipping my way along the cobblestones back to the palace. Granted, it may have been kind of a manic lightness. After my encounters with Demeter and Hades, I was a mess.

I laughed, partially in amusement at how wrung out I felt, and partially in relief at being far away from that place.

"I like to hear you laugh."

I spun around to find Kai sitting on a low branch of a tree. His grin was so full of tenderness that my insides began a happy patter. Until I remembered that those feelings were for her. That sobered me up. I straightened and adopted my best pleasant tone.

Yeah, okay, no. I didn't do any of that.

Seriously. I was a sad sad case. I stared at him, drinking him in. Not that I needed to since every detail was burned into my brain. From his eyes, to his voice, to the tiny scar on his hand.

My ribcage tightened. My breathing constricted. This was killing me. I needed Kai to know me. Maybe, if things were all honeymoon happy between us in the real world, I could have sucked this up, and we could laugh about it later. But back there, we were still working through the very betrayal that I was desperately trying to avoid here. Everything was still so fragile between us.

I dropped my head. My energy zapped.

Kai dropped to the ground, moving so silently that I didn't even realize he'd come to stand next to me until I felt his hand splay across my belly. I leaned into his warmth. Into his strength.

He tilted my head up with his finger. "I prepared a picnic for us."

The sun slanted down on his dark locks, making a halo around his head. His magnificence temporarily soothed even Persephone's clawing animosity.

Yeah, she loved him too.

I reached out for him, not knowing if I was driving this train, or if she was.

Kai beamed at me like I'd just handed him Christmas. "Beautiful love." He took my hand. "Let me adore you."

It was tender and romantic and made me feel like I'd been doused in cold water.

Because Kai, my Kai, would never in a million years say that to me. Not without both of us laughing. It wasn't us.

I didn't want it to be us.

I wanted that arrogant sly boy who could match wits and mouthiness with me. Who seemed perpetually amused and annoyed by me, and couldn't stay away. I put my hand on his chest, emboldened by the wariness in his eyes. Yeah, Persephone wasn't a "make the first move" kind of girl.

I clutched Kai's shirt, the soft fabric spilling through my fingers. I knew this was madness. But some deeper, essential part of me needed to be recognized. I hoped that maybe I could spark a connection that would make him see who he was really with.


I didn't want to be her anymore. I leaned forward and gently bit his lip.

His body jerked and his breath hitched.

I pulled back slightly, my body vibrating as he jerked me back against him.

Remember me! I held his gaze and pushed the thought with all my might. I swallowed, my pulse kicking up as I saw that wild darkness in his eyes. Then I kissed him as hard as I could, willing him to know me in every touch.

Kai devoured me. There was no other word for it. It was like the dam between us had broken. His arm tightened around me, holding me in place against the length of his body, while he kissed me over and over again.

This may have been a new dynamic for them, but gawd was it awesome for me. I was in sensory overload heaven: the fullness of his lips, the possessiveness of his hands, and his unique scent that was my own personal aphrodisiac.

I shifted closer to him, whimpering when he broke contact. Heart racing, breath heaving, I looked at him and saw my questioning mirrored in his eyes.

But not the good questions like, "Do I get more of that?" and "How soon?"

Kai stared at me like he couldn't figure me out.

Of course he couldn't. Because I was acting like myself and he had no idea I, Sophie, existed. I closed my eyes, blinking back a furious wetness. Then I shoved at his chest hard and brushed past him.

"You're leaving?" He sounded incredulous.

I nodded, hurrying off because I didn't trust myself to speak. Besides, what was I going to say? "Every time I kiss you and you don't remember that I'm actually a seventeen-year-old human who happened to get your dead girlfriend's essence stuffed inside her, a part of me wants to die?"

Yeah, right.

"Goddess—" he began, sounding exceedingly annoyed.

I whirled, scowling. "Do NOT call me that." That was Kai's name for me. I could take all the Greek endearments he wanted to throw at Persephone, but no way did I want to hear him call her "Goddess." I couldn't handle it.

I broke into a run.

Kai didn't follow.

I hadn't really expected him to.

I ran out of steam back by the shores of the Akherousian lake. I strode into the water, not even bothering to kick off my sandals or hitch up my dress. I glared at the reflection of Persephone's perfect face.

I smacked at the water, and watched her ripple. "Damn it! I am Sophie Bloom." Smack! "I am Sophie Bloom." Smack!

I think the technical term for my watery assault was hysteria. Every time I looked down and saw her face staring back at me, I felt disconnected. My skin prickled with the fear of not belonging in my own body.

Every time I shouted my name, I felt more and more depersonalized in the face of the unyielding reality of her, well, face. My emotional turmoil reached a fever pitch and I was utterly unmoored.

My peripheral vision faded and I was thrust back into my vision.

The rock on which I stood rose up, molding around my legs to entomb me. With growing horror, I watched it become a box to encase my entire body.

The pomegranate tree had burned to an ashy skeleton that threatened to crumble into nothingness.

John Lennon sang louder and more insistently but he was wrong. This wasn't love. This was getting buried alive.

There was a grinding noise and I watched wild-eyed as a heavy stone lid swung shut over me. I pushed against it with all my strength, but my arms bowed uselessly against it.

The world went black.

My Life From Hell (The Blooming Goddess #3)Where stories live. Discover now