Membership Has Its Privileges (Part 3)

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I'd always hated the fact that my goddess awakening had triggered Cassie's own prophetic abilities. I couldn't help worrying that I was still triggering stuff for her. That all my anger and unease were amping her up. And not in a good way.

I stepped back at Anil's nod, but stood gnawing on my lip.

Cassie noticed and placed her hand on my arm. "No worries, girlfriend! Tonight is about forgetting! Eat, drink, and be merry, right!"

She beamed at me but I could feel the waves of anxiety coming off her.

"Right," I said. "You have fun tonight. Enjoy your guy. He's a good one."

Cassie blushed as Anil slipped his arm around her waist and pressed a kiss to her temple. I could see her relax. Maybe Anil was a talisman to keep her grounded. Man, I hoped so.

I smiled at them both and with a small wave, went to find the two boys who were keeping me sane. And alive.

I stood back from the dance floor for a minute, and took it all in. I saw Cassie bouncing to the beats, while Anil flailed like an enthusiastic puppy. Beyond them, deep in the crowd, I caught sight of Pierce's wings. He and Hannah had come down.

They moved beautifully. Big surprise. Even the stunning otherworldly beings around them noticed. But my friends didn't come off as snobby, or aloof. Hannah's arm was draped on Pierce's shoulder and he had one arm locked around her waist. They gazed into each other's eyes, huge smiles on their faces as the love flowed between them.

Everyone around them felt the effect, smiling and swaying toward them as if to bask in their glow. It was hard to begrudge that kind of love and happiness. And I really didn't. I guess I just wished there were two of Hannah so that Pierce and I could both have her attention.

I watched Festos and Theo, their hands on each others' hips, and grooving together. It meant they weren't moving around much, which probably worked for Festos since he didn't have his cane. Also, it allowed them maximum touching.

No downside.

Theo pressed his hand into the small of Festos' back, pulling him closer as he leaned in to say something. Fee's lips tugged up in a small grin. That's when Festos looked up and saw me at the edge of the floor. He crooked his finger, beckoning me to come dance with them.

So I did. I tried to dance beside them but, shockingly, it was Theo who would have none of it. He pulled me between them.

At first, I couldn't stop laughing. I was the center of this boy-sandwich, and Fee was acting exceptionally lewd. But soon the music swirling around us was too compelling to resist. We quit fooling around and lost ourselves in the sound.

The night progressed. We didn't leave the dance floor.

Friday night turned to the dark, first hours of Saturday morning.

Sweat poured between my cleavage. I'd lost my shoes hours ago, and the sprung floor was bouncy and warm under my feet. My mind was fabulously blank, the music driving me forward through the night.

The beats got wilder, our dancing more abandoned. Festos' fingers threaded through mine, and our arms flew upward as we swayed together. Theo's arms snaked along my hips and held Fee's waist. My eyes were closed and my face turned to the lit tiles as I grooved between my friends, unsure of where I stopped and they began.

As much as it may have looked like the dirtiest of dancing, it wasn't sexual at all.

It was transformational. The ultimate sense of being free and alive and connected.

My Life From Hell (The Blooming Goddess #3)Where stories live. Discover now