Why Did It Have To Be Giants? (Part 3)

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Festos spoke to Kai, who had come to stand beside him, casually surveying the buzz of activity in the room.

"Hades thinks you're a lot of things, Fee," Kai replied. "A rat is not one of them."

Fee?! My mouth fell open. That was my name for Festos. Wasn't it? Had I heard Kai use it back when I was Persephone and that's why I did, too?

"Said as if you have a differing opinion, Koko." Festos offered Kai a tight smile.

I shoved my fist in my mouth to cover my laughter. Koko? I was so calling Kai that sometime. Sooner than later.

Kai stiffened at the nickname, and I could see that he hated it. I could also see from Fee's angelic smile that he was well aware. Kai didn't comment though. All he said was, "I don't think you're a snitch."

Festos leaned onto his cane. "But dirty vermin?"

Kai shrugged. "That's something else entirely."

I was dying to know what exactly the deal was between them. Because they were sniping like a pair of exes and I knew Kai didn't swing that way. Nor would he ever be Fee's type.

I strained against the edge of the statue, hoping neither would see me so I could continue to blatantly eavesdrop.

"Well, we're even now, honeybunch, aren't we?"

Kai fixed Fee with an infuriating superior-yet-innocent look that even I wanted to smack off him. "About what?" he asked.

"Drop the act." I could practically hear Festos' teeth grinding in anger. "Was getting back at me your prime motive for imprisoning Prometheus, or just a happy benefit?"

Whoa. Word traveled fast. Although Fee had always had up-to-the-moment intel where Theo was concerned, so I guess I shouldn't have been surprised.

Kai's hands fisted at his sides and he took a step back. "You want to keep destroying yourself over that asshole? Go nuts. Not my problem."

"Nope. You made sure of that." Festos' fingertips shot red sparks.

My breath caught. I looked around, but no one else seemed to be paying them any attention.

Kai poked Festos in the chest hard enough to send him staggering back a few feet. "Contrary to your delusional belief-system, my entire reason for being is not to screw you over."

Festos gave a bitter laugh. "No, it's to make a fool of yourself with that waste of a goddess."

Hey. No one got to call Persephone a waste but me. However, as this was neither the time nor the place, I smothered my indignation before it could get me caught.

Kai shrugged. "Persephone and I are done."

So much for keeping up appearances.

"While I'm thrilled you finally dumped the dead weight, it changes nothing." Festos sounded venomous.

My palms got sweaty. I was suddenly very concerned about how much of his animosity toward Persephone may have been silently festering around me, Sophie? These Greeks played long, deep end-games. Was I totally wrong about our big platonic love?

"... Because you're a stubborn ass."

Damn, I'd missed the first part of whatever Kai had fired back at Fee.

Festos scowled. "Better an ass than a bad friend. O, judgmental one."

Kai snarled. "Screw you, Fee. You want him? Go get him. But whine to someone else when he fails to give a damn about you. Again."

With that, Kai spun and stormed out, fury pouring off him in waves.

I exhaled, pressing my back against the cool statue, and processing everything I'd just heard.

Pierce was right. Kai and Fee had been friends. And it seemed like differences in opinion over Prometheus and Persephone had torn that apart. Thing was, once we got back to normal, Fee and Kai would be with Theo and Sophie. And while Kai didn't like Theo for lots of reasons, the big historical one—how he'd treated Festos—was gone. In Sophie-time, Fee and Theo were great together. So maybe there was hope for these two former besties yet, if they could get over their stupid pride.

Pierce's words floated back to me. "All I'm saying is that if you're going to be the savior of humanity, maybe you could start by saving a single friendship."

He was right. I did have to save a single friendship. Well, a couple of them actually. Because, while I was going to do everything I could to mend the friendship between Kai and Festos, I needed to listen to myself and make up with Hannah, too.

I stepped out from behind the statue, one hand resting against it. I scowled. Damnit! It was so much easier giving advice than taking it.

"What's your problem?"

It took me a second to realize that Festos was talking to me.

"You." I shoved at him. "Waste of a goddess?"

He blinked, startled, then glowered at me. "A rude waste of a goddess, eavesdropper."

"Fine. Since I'm rude I can tell you straight up you're being an idiot. You and Kyrillos. If you let a friendship die because of your significant others." I raked gaze over Festos, watching his shock. "Or continuing non-others. Unless you get your act in gear."

His nostrils flared. Good. I'd gotten him riled up.

He shoved me out of the way and strode toward the Pyrosim, his cane thumping against the ground with each step. "The chandelier I brought," he snapped at them. "Time to install it."

Guess he thought our chat was over.

Guess again.

I grabbed his sleeve.

He shook me off.

I grabbed him again and tugged him around to face me. I brought up my light vine with my free hand. Just enough so he could see the glow. "Take one more step and I'll gift wrap your ass."

His fingertips sparked red and he smiled mercilessly. "Try it."

I tsked him. "Temper, Fee."

He bristled. "Don't. Ever. Call. Me. That."

"You'd be amazed at what I call you. And you love it."

Festos blinked, obviously confused.

I rolled my eyes. "Not like that, idiot." I leaned in and lowered my voice. "I'm breaking Prometheus out tomorrow night. During the ball. And I need your help."

He pried my hand off of his arm. "On so many levels, why? Should I believe you? Should I trust you? Should I help you? Should I care?"

"Because you love him."

My Life From Hell (The Blooming Goddess #3)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin