Enough With The Stabbing (Part 3)

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"It doesn't matter now. I'm not doing it."

"Tell me," I insisted. I wanted to know how far Kyrillos would have taken his imprisonment.

"Don't push me, Goddess," Kai warned. "I'm not feeling very charitable right now."

"Back at you, sweetheart."

Kai's eyes glittered angrily.

See now, there was the dynamic I knew and, well ... knew.

Gyes lumbered off to his fellow giants for a little confab. One of them shook himself, much like a dog, flinging off water, and making all his very many bits jiggle.

Their spines must be made from titanium to support all those parts. I waited, one eye monitoring Fee's progress, the other on the giants.

The three of them returned, presenting a many headed, many handed, united front. "We will not allow the Olympian to take the prisoner," Gyes' speaker head informed us.

We swung to face to Festos, who had just freed Prometheus and scooped him up in his arms. He was still unconscious, head splayed back, arms and legs spilling limply. It couldn't have been easy for Fee, holding this enormous dead weight. Especially since in order to hang on to Prometheus, he couldn't use his cane. It was tucked under one arm. But Festos stood tall, firing an imperious look of his own. "You will do as your Prince commands you."

Never thought I'd hear him defer to Kai like that.

A look passed between them.

It spoke of past secrets and mayhem, and made me uneasy.

Kai looked uncertain.

Festos looked insistent.

I probably looked confused.

The giants stopped looking, broke formation, and came roaring after us. The storm resumed its crashing above our heads. Winds howled around us, churning up a dust thick enough to choke me.

I sent out a full-body shockwave of light.

It did nothing. To the storm. To the giants' approach. Nada. Just temporarily lit up the sky so I could see where I was about to die. I swallowed, my throat dry and sticky with terror. I edged backward, clutching Kai's arm.

Sky and earth clashed. I was losing all sense of what was up and what was down, and it didn't matter because every direction promised death. I crept farther behind Kai. I hate to admit it, but I probably would have thrown him under the proverbial bus, if it had meant keeping me safe from those monstrosities.

You face enormous walls of teeth and grabby hands, and then give me crap for poor behavior.

It may have felt like hours but it was seconds between the storm's reappearance and the first enormous hand grabbing at my head. I shrieked and flung my arms around Kai, holding on for dear life.

I felt him sigh. And in the blink of an eye, with me still clinging to him like a baby koala, he slashed through all three Hekatonkheires with his deadly black light. Toxic ash fell on the field.

I gasped.

"Are you insane?" sputtered Fee, sidling up alongside us with Prometheus. "I didn't mean kill them. Great. Hades is so going to be on your fat ass, and my pretty one, now."

Kai's cheeks flushed with anger. "What exactly do you think the alternative was?" He took a step toward Festos. "Bitch at me for chaining Prometheus up, or bitch at me for helping to free him. Make up your damn mind!"

Insert squabbling here.

I tuned them out, still kind of shocked that Kai had just destroyed those giants in order to help Theo. Because that's really what it was about. I slid out from behind Kai to peer at the ash before swiveling to look at my boyfriend.

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