Trust Issues (Part 2)

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I dropped my head. Felt ill. Persephone had been planning to betray Prometheus, too. My resolve hardened. That hadn't happened, and it sure as hell wouldn't happen this time as long as I stayed in control. More reason to have Prometheus get that truth spirit here and break this enchantment. I spoke up. "Prometheus—"

"That's right," he said. "You had something you wanted me to do."

I did, but first I wanted him to know exactly where he stood with me. I took his hand. "I trust you," I said insistently. "More than anyone."

He didn't break contact. Instead, he squeezed my hand tighter. "I will see you through this, keep you safe no matter what." His eyes were solemn as they stared into mine. "I swear."

It was super intense and highly charged.

Which was pretty much the worst possible way that Kai could have found us.

"What have we here?" His voice was a smooth purr. It caressed my skin like silk, then slid under it like ice.

I'd never heard this voice before. It terrified me. Because after that horrible night two months ago, I knew how mad Kai could get.

This sounded worse. Felt worse.

Prometheus let go of me and pushed to his feet.

Leaving me scrambling, brushing the dead grass from my dress. "Nothing," I said.

"What are you up to, kardia mou?" Kai's breath was warm against my ear as he twined around me in a tight circle, like a cat.

I shivered.

His hand caressed my hip for a fleeting second.

I shrugged, bored, and played the same "dislike" card that Prometheus had pulled out when Thanatos had interrupted us on the soccer field. "Nothing. He's a jerk."

Kai paused and placed his index finger against his lips. "Hmmmm. Thing is," he gave me a sweet smile. "I don't believe you."

Yeah. I wouldn't have either. This was bad. Dread to the tips of my toes, bad. I folded my fingers over my sweaty palms and opened my mouth to speak but something cut me off.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Prometheus give an exasperated shake of his head and turn to leave, but Kai shot a blast of black light and totally eviscerated the ground beneath Prometheus' feet. He stumbled, barely staying upright.

"Another inch and it's your legs," Kai said, not taking his eyes off me. He flicked a hand. "Imprison him." His tone of voice didn't change. But his eyes flashed with the same fathomless black that I'd seen in the barrier around Nyx.

A dozen Pyrosim showed up to form a fiery guard around Prometheus. They arranged themselves in a tight flaming square, completely blocking him in.

"I'll take you down with me," Prometheus swore as he got to his feet. The minions were pressed too close for him to do anything other than stand, if he wanted to remain untoasted. His skin flushed red from the heat. And maybe his anger.

Kai laughed. "Try it. I dare you. I'll bury you so deep that you'll be forgotten." There was absolute promise and sneering certainty in his voice.

It made Kai sound more like his father than I'd ever heard him. That was terrifying.

I whipped my eyes away from Kai, so he couldn't see my panic.

Prometheus walked backward, facing me through the flames of his prison as the Pyrosim marched him off. "Believe," he mouthed.

I grabbed Kai's arm, more than ready to beg. "Don't take him. Please. It's not what you think. There's nothing going on between him and me. I'm not even his type." I didn't want to accidentally out Prometheus if Kai didn't know.

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