Free The Form (Part 3)

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With a smile on my lips, I closed my eyes. I came to many hours later, with Fee lounging in my doorway. "Morning, sunshine. You snore."

"Do not."

He grinned. "I figured you'd want to get back to the other one in your misfit trio." He pointed at a large roller-board suitcase. "So I packed up a few things for you."

I yawned and stretched, feeling a delightful pull all through my body. The thought of seeing Hannah made me want to both sing and hide. "You're sweet."

Fee sat down on the edge of my bed. "You need to go see him today."

I pushed my hair out of my face. "I thought I'd give him time."

"No. Koko doesn't do well with time. He just shuts down even more."

"It's back to Koko now, is it?"

Fee ducked his head, sheepish. "The whole Hades experience. Both of us watching loved ones burn. It bonds a guy."

"You've missed him, haven't you?"

"He was my Hannah. Of course I did."

I gnawed on the inside of my cheek. "Was it really Theo and I that caused your friendship to fall apart?"

He patted my head. "Naw. Might have cemented it. He was from the wrong side of the tracks. Or maybe I was. Whatever. It was took its toll as we got older."

"And now?" I tilted my head, hoping to hear that things were fine between them. I loved them both so much. They needed each other.

Festos shrugged. "One day at a time, honeybunch. I'll go see him later. But you need to talk to him first." He wagged a finger at me, dad-style. "Now get dressed. You have school."

It felt heavenly to put on a totally me outfit: leggings, a short skirt, and a cute red sweater. I wore my red flat boots, accessorized with Hannah's cuff and Fee's ring. My sapphire pendant lay snug and warm against my skin, hidden against my skin. And my tattoo, my love of all that mattered, would be right there with me forever.

I looked out my window. It was a beautiful day. I had a feeling there were going to be a lot of those for a while. Scanning the bedroom that had been my refuge, I knew I'd always have it to come back to. But I was ready to go home.

I entered the living room and found Theo typing rapidly on his cell. "Hey, downward facing phone," I said. "I'm ready."

"It's not just a pose. It's a lifestyle," Festos joked.

Theo looked at me and slid the phone into his pocket. "Just emailing Hannah to let her know you're coming."

My stomach sank. "Thanks," I said, full of fake cheer. I'd been hoping to spring my return on her. You know, to avoid her requesting a room change or something before I got back.

"You saved the world. You're scared of facing your best friend?"

"D'uh." I grabbed my suitcase and rolled it to them.

Theo clapped me on the shoulder. "Don't stress, grasshopper. You'll be fine."

They insisted on accompanying me back to Hope Park, depositing me where the road to school met the road to town. I shivered, wrapping my arms around myself. The day was warm enough that I didn't need to wear a jacket, so I couldn't even blame my chills on the weather.

"Go see her," Theo said. "Festos will bring the rest of your stuff over later." He cast a final look at Hope Park. "The old broad looks pretty good," he said wistfully.

Theo wouldn't be able to go back to Hope Park. There would be too many questions. He was still recognizable, yet definitely not his old self. While I'd miss him being with me at school, that didn't matter. We'd have the rest of the world to hang out in together.

My Life From Hell (The Blooming Goddess #3)Where stories live. Discover now