Episode 0

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My name was Yuri, and it stayed just Yuri for a while. My parents had apparently died in a televised plane accident when I was just turned three, and I'd stayed in the foster care system until a family of three chose to adopt me when I was seven, and they celebrated my eighth birthday with me three months later.

It was surprising that they handled me so well, considering I'd been around a lot of bad influences and swore every second word.

Eventually, they worked me out of my awful habits and I was able to stay at school for longer than a week without a warning of suspension because of my "attitude and language" to the teachers.

My parents were careful, and just strict enough. They did a lot for me and I ended up really liking them. But neither of them were as influential to me as their biological son was, my big brother, Kojiro.

When I was eight, I saw him skateboarding, and demanded I try it too. I sucked at it, obviously, and when he laughed at me I cried. But he showed me some cool video's and that's when I noticed different types of boards, and roller blades too.

So my new parents got me roller blades and I worked on my balance with those. When I turned nine, Kojiro bought me my own skateboard, and we built it together. He told me he got one with bigger wheels so I wouldn't die if I ran over a rock or a crack in the road, and could focus on cruising like I usually did with my roller blades.

When I was ten, and confident, he taught me how to Ollie. When I managed to do it, I cheered so much my throat hurt, and then, I cried again.

I was happy. I mean, who wouldn't be?

But Kojiro was a lot older than me. He graduated high school when I went into my last year of middle school, and he went on to culinary school. He moved out of the house and there was no one left to make fun of me when I fell and then give fake encouragement to make up for the fact that he was kind of an asshole. But he was my big brother, more than my parents would ever be my mom and dad.

When my second year of high school came rolling around, I started to see how much I was pestering my parents. They were busy, and I was always asking for certain foods only Kojiro could make best. I was asking for new wheels, and for help on things they didn't know the answers to. I could see them aging, and I could see them in their peaceful relationship with each other when they thought I'd gone to sleep. I felt like I was burdening them. It made me wonder why they adopted me at all.

So I laid off. When I got hungry for a specific food, I rode to my brother place and demanded he make it for me, and he never said no, even when he had girls over. I popped in to see him more often then not, and I started noticing things I probably wasn't supposed to notice... but I kept it to myself.

I grabbed my board and left his apartment with a scowl, as after I finished my delicious dinner he started to flirt up a storm with the girl he decided to bring home for the night, and I wasn't about to sit there and listen to them started eating each others faces.

I put in my ear buds and turned on some music, putting my cap on, I stood on my board and kicked off down the side of the road to get back home.

I shut my eyes for a moment and took a breath. This was good, this life, and this wind. If I could choose, I'd never stop skating, just so I could keep feeling this wind, in the way that made it seem like time had slowed down just for me. I didn't have to worry about anything when-

"Owwwww!" I groaned, blinking as I wondered what the scream I just heard was - but then again it was probably me. That's what I get for shutting my eyes while skating.

Low and behold, someone else came barreling around the corner that I was headed to, and the distance between us was too close for either of us to make a move to dodge. I mean, I still attempted to dodge, but that landed me in the garden beside me, with a bunch of useless prickly bushes.

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