Episode 7

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Reki texted me later that night while I was in the bath. 

Reki: Are you good? You were out of it earlier.

Me: I'm fine.

Reki: Look, about what the kid Chinen said earlier...

Reki: You know he's just a dumb kid. He said that on purpose.

I sighed, leaning my head back for a moment. Goodness, Reki, this is your chance to tell me I'm pretty but you're not going to do it, are you?

Me: Of course I know that! As if him saying I'm ugly actually makes me ugly.

Me: I'm a snack. He's obviously just not hit puberty yet, so he doesn't really care for girls.

I hummed as I pressed send. Wait... what if he's gay? Well, either way, girls can still be pretty whether you're attracted to them or not. And I'm fucking gorgeous.

My phone buzzed again and I picked it up to glance,

Reki: That's the spirit! haha, a snack?

Me: Yeah. What else could I say? I'm sexy and I know it

I could practically hear him stifle his high laugh when the 'read' sign showed up, 

Reki: I fixed Langa's board, added some toe clips. He really liked it.

Me: That's good. Is he really gonna go through with the beef?"

Reki: Yeah. I'm confident in him, though! That little punk brat needs to be taught a lesson!

Me: I agree. Tell Langa to eat well and leave him in his dust.

Reki: You don't have his number? Here.

I blinked as he sent it to me, telling me I could tell him myself. I sent a simple thank you and then turned my phone off for good, leaving it on my towel. I sunk a bit farther into the water and blew some bubbles, my mind was painfully blank - except for one thought. Sure, I knew I was pretty - I know that no matter what any dumb kid says. But, am I pretty to Reki too?


I arrived to S with my brother, and his old friend Koaru was all dressed up and even though they acted like they hated each other, they stood beside each other. I saw my brothers fan girl group almost immediately and was so horrified I almost ran away.

"Yuri, look, front row view from take off." Kojiro commented, smiling as he put his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah. Is it okay that I stand here?"

"Huh?" He blinked, "Why wouldn't it be?"

I sweat dropped, honestly, did he not see the eyes of his fanbase lighting up in a dangerously provoking way literally five feet behind us? I guess I'll just ignore it for now, if anything happens, Kojiro will just blurt out that we're related and they won't be able to do anything then. 

I nodded lightly to Kaoru as we made eye contact, and he nodded in reply before we turned back to Langa as Reki ran up to him with his board. 

"I've decided on what I want to bet!" Miya announced, throwing out his arm and pointing a finger to Reki, "If I win, you'll become my dog!"

What is this? Reverse Ouran High school Host Club?

"Dog?!" Reki screeched, "Why are you pointing at me?!"

"Your precious friend is going to become a dog because of you." Miya giggled and I swear if Langa didn't win I would do something to hurt someone, "And in the unlikely event that you win, I'll be the cat or the dog or whatever. How's that?"

"That's fine." Langa replied, hardly even hesitating. 

Reki, of course, jumped him and cried like a baby, "It's not fine! Why are you replying without asking me! You just wanna skate, don't you?! You don't care about my well being!"

"Yuri, didn't you say your love interest had an S pin? I forgot to ask the first time I brought you here what his name was. Did you seem him then?"

I flinched, swallowing, "Ah, yes. He's here now too."

"Really? Where?"

I frowned, glaring at the idiot in front of me, and my brother just blinked as he followed my gaze,

"Wow, what a sight. Is it the half? I suppose he's very intriguing."

"It's not him." I sighed, running a hand over my face.

"Ah right, he had the pin so he's probably not a newbie." My brother hummed, "Chinen?"

"WhAt?! Bro, he's thirteen! I told you the guy I likes goes to my school - and I'm seventeen!"

He chuckled, as if he asked about Chinen on purpose, "Is that so? You always seem like your cute thirteen year old self to me."

"Shut up, weirdo."

Kojiro ignored me and turned to Kaoru, "Hey, lets bet on whos going to win." 

"It's not going to be a bet. You're thinking that Miya is going to win this one as well, right?"

"What? We're agreeing?"

I rolled my eyes, these two know each other so well they don't even understand the fact that they know each other that well.

"Though rather reluctantly." Kaoru sighed,

"How boring." My brother replied, crossing his arms as their fan girls sighed behind the two as I stared with disgust.

Turning away from the ridiculousness of what I just witnessed, I faced the race as it finally began. Reki was scanning the area, so I told my brother I was going to meet my friend, and walked towards him. Calling out his name, he turned to me with a smile, that grew when he recognized me, 

"Yuri, you made it!"

"I came with my brother."

"You have a brother in S? I've never met him. What's his name?"

I scratched the back of my head, reluctant to tell him, but the cheering from the fans cut us off and I didn't have to answer. Miya's start was perfect, but even if Langa's kick off wasn't nearly as strong or clean he still managed to gain speed and keep his eyes on Miya as they went.

"Man, I wanna follow them!" Reki groaned, looking around hesitantly. 

And as if God could hear his indirect prayers, the crowd separated like the red sea, and Shadow's ridiculous pink car came rolling through.

"Hey, Reki. Let's jump Shadows car."

His eyes lit up, and I suddenly realized that he definitely did not take what I said as a joke,

"That's a great idea! Come on!" I gasped as he grabbed my wrist, pulling me with him. He ripped open the passenger door and I quickly did the same with the back door, throwing myself into the seat as the car kept slowly moving. 

We sat up together, and somehow shut our doors at the same time.

Shadow stopped, turning to glance at Reki slowly and take him in, "Why are you hopping in without asking?!" He snapped.

"Keep driving." Reki replied simply, his eyes focused on the road ahead.

"I am not a taxi!" Shadow screamed, and I rolled my eyes at his short temper.

"Just shut up and drive, vampire man!"

He jumped as he noticed me, leaning forward from the back, and I rose a brow as he looked down at me. Somehow, my tense gaze was enough to get him to just listen and drive. 

"Straight ahead!" Reki ordered once again, and Shadow growled,

"I know!"


As the skaters picked up speed, Shadow followed accordingly. Even still, the view was surprisingly clear even though we were moving only behind them. Langa skated up a rock and jumped, twisting in the air and managing to land perfectly despite the uneven movements. Even for a simple skater like me, I knew that if I tried to land like he did with my board I'd fall hard.

"What's up with his board?" Shadow asked.

"I remodeled the wheels so that they'll spin in any direction of movement, so he can skate sideways like snowboarding!"

I turned from the road and Langa ahead of us, to Reki, my mouth popped open slightly and I quickly shut it. Reki was grinning as he kept explaining the engineering of it. He did all that, just to accommodate Langa and make sure that he could enjoy skating faster and better. He combined street skating and snow boarding in the span of what... a few weeks? 

Man, maybe he's a little weird, but he's totally part genius too.

"Are you insane?!" Shadow gasped, spinning hard into a tight turn, "If you did that you'd never go straight!"

"Normally, yeah." Reki replied, "Only Langa can ride a board that insane!"

"That's... that's amazing..." I whispered, watching Langa spin, getting used to the boards movements while skating a beef against a Japanese freaking national hopeful.

And all of that, all of Langa's talent spilling out and paving the road in front of him, that excitement in Langa's eyes that got more and more prominent the more we practiced together... was all because of Reki. 

And then, the idiot boy I just fell more in love with threw half his body out the window to yell after Langa and cheer him on.

I could care less what I looked like, or what Reki thought about my looks in the moment. Because I'd love him anyways. 

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