Episode 4

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I have done what I thought would be impossible for months...

I hadn't even planned this far!

I have entered Reki Kyan's room!

"Just sit around anywhere!" He called out, digging through his book shelf, and I carefully sat myself down on the edge of his bed. My heart beat was so harsh I wondered if the others could hear it? Or, maybe Langa could?

I glanced up at the male as he looked around, even more hesitant than me somehow, and he rose a brow slightly as we made eye contact. And then, he smirked slightly, before just sitting down on the floor.



Does he know something?!

I shook my head quickly, turning to glance at Reki's pillow. Oh, my god, I look like such a pervert right now don't I. I'm acting like those creepy stalkers in anime who steal useless shit like pens just because their crush held them, so they put the damn things on display. It's just Reki's ugly pillow...

Then again, no pervert stalker ever got this far...

Oh my- pull yourself together!

I sighed, and against my better judgement, shut my eyes and pursed my lips and fell back on Reki's bed. I took a deep breath, and relaxed my body. His bed was nice, and it reminded me how much I love sleep, but I couldn't fall asleep now. Slowly, despite the comfort, I opened my eyes. He even had posters on his ceiling, of pro skaters. Some particularly pleasing art that were mostly street spray painting pieces, as well as stickers from popular brands in the skating community.

Wow. I had only a few posters in my room, mostly movie posters. I have a bunch of stickers, and even did made a senbazuru once, that hangs up by my window. But this seems so much more lively. Reki's entire life must have been skating, and I think that's wonderful. I have several hobbies, and parts of my childhood are all cut up and mixed and burned at the edges, because I was always laughing and changing and jumping to try new things. My parents gave so much to me, and I'm happy and I'm thankful. But laying in Reki's room made me feel like I was in another, safer world.

I clenched my eyes shut, who's to say that's not just my stupid 'lovie dovie' feelings talking.

"Nanaka!" I propped myself up slightly hearing Reki speak in such a firm manner, and I watched as a tiny little girl ran out of his room as fast as her tiny legs could take her. Langa looked petrified for some reason,

"Who was that?"

"Third little sister."

"Reki!" An older woman's voice yelled and I sprung up at the speed of light, "You should tell me if you have friends over!"

Oh, okay, make a good impression, Yuri - but don't over do it! Ah, great, I'm dressed like a boy-

"Welcome, I'm Reki's mom!" She smiled to us and I smiled back as she looked in between Langa and I, "He hasn't given you any trouble right? Are you okay?"

"Like I would! More like I'm taking care of him!"

She hummed, turning to me, "And you? He isn't being too rude to you, is he dear? If he is, you can smack him."

I laughed it off as Reki groaned like an annoyed little kid, "No, it's okay." I replied, my cute customer service voice coming out, "I enjoy Reki's company."

"That's wonderful!" She beamed, "But I don't believe you!"


"Why can't you believe in your son for once?"

She laughed, "Are you two hungry? I have some tasty cake!"

"I don't want any!" Reki butted in, but his moms face was so bright and compelling both Langa and I nodded accordingly.

"Then I'll bring some over!"

I quickly stood, "Ah, let me help you, Ms. Kyan-"

"No, no need! You relax, dear."

I nodded once again, and plopped myself back down as she shut the door. Well, I did my best. I hope she likes me.

"It's quite rowdy." Langa commented.

"A huge family only embarrasses you." Reki sighed in response.


"Yuri. Yuri! Hello~!"

I grumbled, my leg shifted and my body realized quickly that it wasn't the same feeling as my regular bed. My eyes shot open and I quickly groaned as they burned. I covered my eyes again and rubbed them to try and wake myself up better.

Reki giggled and Langa was standing right behind him, glancing down at me, "You ate all that cake and then totally wiped out!" Reki laughed, clutching his stomach as my shoulders slumped in annoyance. Yeah, so I had two slices of cake... but I was playing on Reki's old DS while him and Langa shared that magazine. I had zero plans of falling asleep...

Guess, I failed myself in the end after all.

"How long?" I asked, and Langa hesitated, but broke when he met my gaze.

"Just about... two hours."

I opened my mouth to retort and Reki quickly covered it, shushing me, "Sorry, but my little sisters are sleeping now."

I frowned, but relaxed, and he moved his hand away, "Don't worry about it. I tried to wake you up but you didn't budge, so we just left you here." I blinked, glancing down at the blanket that had half fallen off when I sat up, now just covering my legs.

Reki sat down on the edge of the bed and told me about how he and Langa started building Langa's new board, and he talked about the style he was going for. He was even going to add special straps so Langa's feet would stay in place for him.

"That's really cool, Reki." I complimented, holding back a yawn, "Can you make me a custom board too?"

"Eh? Do you need one?"

I glanced to the side, "No..."

He ducked his head, holding in his laugh as his shoulders shook in amusement, "You look like a little kid, jealous of their older sibling."

"I'm not jealous of Langa." I insisted.

"Sure~" Reki teased, and I smacked his hand away as he pointed at me mockingly.

"I should get going." Langa spoke up, and I moved the blanket off of me, standing with Reki,

"Yeah, me too."


Reki's mother said a sweet goodbye, and kept Reki back for a moment as Langa and I walked ahead.

"So..." Langa began, a little awkwardly since we'd never really been alone before. Except for when Reki goes to the bathroom and I might give him a tip on positioning, or help him up when he falls. Either way, Reki was never gone for longer than five minutes.
"Do you like Reki, or something?"

My eyes widened and I remembered how he smirked at me earlier, "Um, well, I- you see, it's more like-" I stopped myself, just deciding to give up, "Is it that obvious?"

"For me, yeah." He stated, matter of fact, which made me feel like it was obvious to everyone on the planet, "Every time he gets close to you, you blush. And in his room earlier, you were in a total daze."

"So? What of it?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to know if my assumption was correct."

It was quiet for another second, and then Reki started hollering from behind us to wait up. We stopped, turning to watch him run towards us, but then he tripped over his own footing, making us both gasp. But then he moved his board over his chest so he landed on wheels, and with an annoyingly cute giggle, he used the momentum from his fall to roll towards us on his stomach.


"Don't ask, Langa. It just happened suddenly."

"But, really, what part of him...?"

"I'm not exactly sure right now. But, I do like his hair."

He pondered for a moment, "You like... his messy hair?"

"It- I- just- ugh. He has a sweet personality, okay?"

He rose a brow and I took a breath, reminding myself to be calm. Reki finally caught up to us and put my misery to an end. For now, anyway.

"Hey guys! My mom insisted I walk you home!"

"I don't live far."

"I know, it was mainly for Yuri." He grinned, "You were so dead asleep back there, wouldn't want you passing out on the road!"

He burst out laughing and I refrained from smacking him, but either way, it relaxed me to see the person I liked so happy. I moved to look to the side as Reki wiped a fake tear from his face, and did a double take at the look on Langa's face.

I narrowed my eyes, "Stop that." I whispered.

"Stop what?"

"Stop looking at me- like- like-"

"Like what?"

"Like I'm some alien species you're struggling to understand!"

Reki poked his head in between us, "What are you guys talking about?"

"Nothing." We said together.

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