Chapter 11

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"I don't get you. Do I look like someone who's interested in going out to a party?" Kunmi narrowed her eyes at him. "And a one filled with snobbish idiots?!" She shrieked, and Damola laughed at her expense.

"That's the exact same thing that I said." He chuckled, and Kunmi narrowed her eyes at him. Again. With that, Damola winced. "That was bloody."

Kunmi heaved a sigh. "I'm not going." She clearly stated, and Damola pinched her cheeks.

"Why na?" He grinned, and watched as she swatted his hand off her cheek. "It will be boring if you don't come. I need my bae with me. And they did say I need to take a plus one. And you're the only one I can think of." Damola whined, and Kunmi stared at him, amusedly.

"There's Chelsea." She deadpanned.

Damola let out a small groan, and bit his lower lip. Damn, he thought. "My dad said you should come with me." He lied, straight through his teeth.

Immediately, Kunmi quirked an inquisitive brow at him, and chuckled. "That's an expensive lie."

Damola groaned again. "Paddy mi." He tried to coax her, still she didn't seem to budge. "Your aunt and uncle already said you can come naw. Why you just dey fall my hand like this na?" He whined again, and Kunmi shrugged.
["Why are you falling my hand like this?"].

"Take Chelsea."

Damola scoffed at her reply. "And I said I will not take her. It's you I want." He wiggled his brows at her, and she hissed.

"This isn't right. Chelsea should be the one going." Kunmi tried to reason, but Damola wasn't ready to listen.

"Chelsea is mad at me. So yeah, she ain't going with me." He replied, with a smug smile on his face.

"Your dad will be pissed." Kunmi reasoned.

"He'll recover from it."

Kunmi shot him a look, and he shrugged. "What? He's a strong man." Damola shrugged again.

With the looks of things, Damola didn't seem to listen to any other thing she had to say. He already had his mind fixed on taking Kunmi with him. "But— but Chelsea!" Kunmi ran out of words to argue with, and found that to be all she could say.

"Chelsea is mad at me. If she sees me now, it's possible that she'll detach my body, and rip it limb-by-limb. Then, she'll beat my carcass with it, and dance shaku shaku on my grave." Okay, that was enough to make Kunmi laugh. Would he ever be serious about anything?

"Still take her." Kunmi insisted, and Damola frowned.

"And I said no." He argued. "If you don't agree, I'll bundle you into my car and zoom off." He threatened, and Kunmi let out a sarcastic laugh.

"Try it." She dared, with her eyes boring daring holes into his soul.

Damola raised a brow at her. One that dared her to say it again. "I should try it?" He smirked, and Kunmi chuckled.

"I dare you. If your kno—" before she could complete her statement, Damola had already lifted her into his arms, and soon lifted her onto his shoulders. And with ease, he made his way to his car.

They were outside the mansion, so it was quite easy for him to make the escape without anyone knowing. "Damola, put me down!" She protested, whilst kicking her legs and slamming her hands against his back. Still, Damola had no intention of dropping her soon.

"Damola!" Kunmi yelled. Still, he didn't listen. "Guy na. This is really embarrassing! Put me the hell down!" Kunmi demanded, and repeatedly flung her legs in the air, and slammed her fists against his back. She was already getting tired of screaming his name, and him ignoring her, but Damola didn't seem to be anywhere near tired.

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