Chapter 18

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Kunmi felt a weight in her chest, the moment Damola stepped out of her aunt's house and left without saying goodbye. Did that mean that their friendship was already crashing? Was it because he was feeling bad for kissing her? Or because he didn't want to talk to her? Perhaps he was too ashamed over the events of that peculiar night?

She didn't know the answers to all these, but one thing was for sure: she definitely felt bad. Things had instantly turned out a bit sour between the both of them. Ever since he walked out of the house, without saying a word to her, they both hadn't spoken to each other. Kunmi felt he didn't want to see her anymore, and needed his space, and that was why she never bothered to call. Although, she was tempted to call on several occasions.

It'd been two weeks since the kiss had happened. She expected that the awkwardness would have dissolved by now, and they'd be back to being the close buddies they used to be. She felt they'd have forgotten about that incident, yet, all thoughts trailed back to that very day. Even she couldn't forget it. Most times it'd keep her up for the longest hours of the night, just thinking about what really made Damola kiss her. Could he have meant what he had said that day? Or was he simply high on his ecstasy? That, she didn't know.

However, it burdened her heart to think he didn't want to speak to her anymore. He didn't even text once, and never even bothered to call. She, on the other hand, wanted to be the bigger person by calling, but then, she felt if he really cared then he'd be the one calling. She felt that if he really considered her a friend, he'd at least  send a text. Yes, she had a big ego. In fact, they both did. And she wasn't about to deny that fact. But it still hurt. The fact that he didn't even care to know if she was okay, was really making her feel bad.

She wondered if he had already severed ties between them, like she had done three years ago. She wondered if this was some sort of 'revenge'. Perhaps the plan was that he'd try to get her into believing he had forgiven her, and then crush her by simply ending everything all over again. Maybe this was what he wanted. He wanted to get her to feel what he had felt on the day she had severed ties with him. He probably had this all planned out, and she had been a fool to have fallen right into his trap. And he probably only kissed her just so it'd hurt more. Of course he didn't mean those things he said, yet, she had taken him seriously. She thought about everything he had said that day, and it gave her goosebumps on her skin. Could all those things he said be only plain, bloody lies? Was he messing with her feelings? Because if he was, then she'd have to say that he had her fooled. And that sucked, in more ways than one.

On the other hand, she was trying to believe that she was simply being hasty with the conclusions. But then, she couldn't find any other explanation for him shutting her out for two whole weeks. She could still remember the sincerity in his eyes, and she wondered if that was simply good acting, on his part. She was sure she saw genuine feelings in those eyes of his, but what was she to think after this? A creeping, crawling, clawing feeling, slipped into her chest and nestled in the depths of her troubled heart. She hoped he didn't 'befriend' her again, just to get his 'revenge'. If that was what he had done, then she totally wouldn't be happy with him. She'd find it petty of him, and would definitely end what he had already started, fair and square.

Ugh! This is utterly ridiculous, she thought, as she made her way out of her room. She was going to head out for a bit, to get some provisions from a store a stone's throw away from her aunt's house. That was only an excuse she needed, just so she could clear her head. Worst of all, she still hadn't forgotten today was Damola's engagement party. She needed to get a gift for both he and Chelsea, but she still couldn't fathom why a prickly feeling stung its way to her chest.

She couldn't understand why she felt so bad about the engagement. She should've been happy for Damola. But why wasn't she happy? And why couldn't she forget about that goddamned kiss already? She hated to believe that she was jealous of her own friend, and she wouldn't dare admit it. Still, the feeling sat there like a fat rat, and like a thousand bricks made of lead, deep down in her chest. It was almost too hard to breathe, because with each breath she took in, her heart only ached the more.

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