Chapter 2

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Kunmi was busy in her room, unpacking. Her parents had been the most elated to see her again, and she was more than happy to see them again. Her old room had changed a lot, because her mother chose to redecorate the entire room. The furnitures, the walls, every single thing!

While unpacking, she heard a knock on the door, and she stopped for a moment. "Come in!" She yelled from inside, and the door soon came open.

In came her mother, Beatrice, with a tray filled with heavenly goodies. She couldn't contain her smile, nor her happiness. "Wow, mom! Just the thing I needed!" She grinned, staring greedily at the delicacies before her.

Beatrice set down the tray on a side table, and sat down beside her on her bed. "I knew you'd crave things like these. So I ordered one of the maids to make them for you" she grinned at her daughter, and Kunmi simply grinned back.

Putting aside the clothes she had been unfolding, Kunmi reached for a chocolate chip cookie, and too a bite out of it. "So tell me," Beatrice began. "How was your stay in India?" She asked, and Kunmi shrugged, and grabbed another cookie.

"It was okay, mom. Nothing exciting happened. Just same ole boring routines everyday" she replied and, Beatrice smiled.

She wasn't sure Kunmi would be happy with what she had in mind to discuss. But either way, she wanted to discuss it with her. "Kunmi, I want to talk to you about something." as soon as the words flew out of Beatrice's mouth, she hoped it wasn't too late to take them back. But it was.

Now, Kunmi had stopped eating the cookies so loudly. She took a sip of the chilled yoghurt provided for her, and urged her mother to say what she had in mind. "Kunmi, Damola called." that being said, Kunmi instantly lost all her appetite. She almost choked on the yoghurt in her mouth.

Damola? Called? How come? Those were the words she wished she could say. But she was way past shocked, to speak.

"I know, I know. I shouldn't be here talking about him with you—"

"Exactly!" Kunmi cut in, but Beatrice was determined to say what she had in mind.

"—but he's been distant after you left, and that's why I couldn't ignore him like that. He's a good guy, Kunmi, and you know it. We all know it." Beatrice said, and Kunmi let out an exasperated sigh.

"I know, mom. And I never said he wasn't. It's just— you know why he called, don't you? You're aware of that, right?" Kunmi replied, and Beatrice simply gave a nod.

"Just hear him out," Beatrice chose to say.

Kunmi didn't know what to say at this point. It felt like a heavy rock found its way into her system, and settled in the pit of her stomach. She still couldn't believe her ears. Why would Damola call? How did he even know she was back? Last time she checked, she was sure he he'd hate her way too much to even care if she was back or not. But then, he was shocking her by calling? To say she was beyond confused, was indeed an understatement.

She wasn't sure she was ready to face him. Nor was she even ready to know what he had to say. She was afraid what he wanted to say, would only end up hurting her the more. The last thing she wanted, at this point in her life, was getting hurt over and over again. She had learnt her lesson, and that was enough. Karma didn't have to keep showing her her place all the time. And at every opportunity it had.

"Look," Beatrice began, noticing Kunmi's change of mood, and lack of words. "It's okay if you don't want to talk to him. I totally understand. But in my own opinion, I really think you should. Because he took the stress to call, despite all that happened. At least hear him out." she added, trying to read Kunmi's expression but failing at the end. Kunmi looked like she was frozen on the spot. And her eyes were anywhere else but on her mother's.

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚎'𝚜 𝚂𝚘𝚗.Where stories live. Discover now