Chapter 14

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It'd been a week since Damola and Kunmi had gone for the party. A week since Damola's encounter with Chelsea's father. A week since Damola had been trying to get a break from Kunmi.

And in this same week, he got the worst news of all.

His brother, Segun, was finally back to Nigeria after five years of being away. Now, one may wonder why this might pose as such a bad news. But this was only because Damola and Segun hated each other. The two were sworn enemies.

Right from their childhood, they'd always been against each other. And this was only because Terry loved Segun better and wouldn't miss an opportunity to compare the two together. This not only made Damola upset, and very annoyed, but equally hurt him on countless occasions.

Now Segun was back, Damola found no other reason to stay back in Abuja and continue with doing his father's bidding, instead, he decided it was high-time he returned back to Lagos. As it were, he barely had anything doing in Abuja and had no reason to stay put. And the fact that he had to deal with Chelsea and her father, made the entire thing extremely difficult.


The moment he thought about Kunmi. He realised that out of those numerous reasons he wanted to go, only one seemed to reel him back to choosing to stay. One which was powerful enough to make him endure a few more weeks with the tortures in form of Chelsea and her overbearing father.

And that was Kunmi.

If it meant staying a bit longer to hang out with his best friend, at least until she decided to head back as well, then it was worth the wait. However, he wouldn't tolerate being with Chelsea all the time. If there was one thing he wanted more than anything, then it was leaving the hotel for Kunmi's much welcoming home. A house filled with people who already liked him without him even trying.

And although her family, back at Lagos, weren't fans of his any longer, he could at least continue to woo the ones here who seemed to enjoy his company.

He'd probably fake a story about something so absurd, yet so believable, that they'd have to let him stay. Anything to get away from the bondage he felt he was in. It was really getting hard tolerating the too many issues that came along with the Asogwa's.

There was only so much he could take.

* * *

Chelsea wanted nothing else but to have her head cleared out. Everything seemed pretty messed up in her life right now, and she wasn't sure if she wanted to be happy over that fact that she was soon to get what she'd always wanted, or, be sad over the fact that even though she wanted to ignore it, she knew it'd never truly be hers to keep. He'd never be hers to keep. He'd never love her as much as she claimed to love him. And that? That hurt a thousand times and more.

You know the feeling one gets when they're trying to focus on something they love and trying to block out the words from their conscience, because they know they're doing the wrong thing? That was the exact same situation at hand.

Chelsea knew Damola didn't want this marriage. She also knew that her father's persuasions was beginning to irritate Damola, as well. She also knew that even if she ended up with Damola, then she may never be able to enjoy her marriage. And she had always dreamt of a wonderful married life with her husband, but even so, she knew getting married to Damola would never give her that.

He wouldn't be faithful to her, either, because he never even loved her in the beginning. And unlike most men, he told her the real truth and didn't chicken out. He let her know everything, and didn't pretend just so no one got hurt in the end. He was real with her, and tried more than anything to get her to understand that fact and move on.

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