Your Story

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"Klaus is back."

Caroline lifted her eyes from the files that she had been reading to see Stefan walking in her office with two mugs of coffee.

"The others are staying." He finished, placing a mug in front of her, "Apparently Aliza hates the woods."

Caroline nodded before taking a sip of the coffee.

Stefan took a seat in front of her, placing his mug on the table.

He asked, "Did you talk to Elena?"

"Oh yeah," She nodded, "They bought a new apartment."

He couldn't help but frown a little, realizing that Damon had not contacted him for months.

Caroline noticed and said, "Hey, it's okay."

"I don't know, Care." After sending Katherine back to hell, Damon was furious when Stefan had informed them that he would be staying in Mystic Falls and helping Caroline and Alaric to open the school.

Stefan found his brother's anger confusing, he thought Damon would be ecstatic after knowing that they will be helping so many people and creating a safe space for the supernatural kids, something he wished was present in his time.

But Damon and Elena were hell-bent on convincing everyone to leave the town. It later didn't sit well with Caroline and she called them out only for it to cause further disagreement amongst them.

Though they did at times keep in touch.

"You tried, Stefan. We all did." Caroline reasoned, "If they don't want to listen, that's on them." She was hoping that Damon would at least teach at the school but the way he had called her stupid had angered Caroline to the point where she couldn't hold back anymore.

Stefan just shook his head, not making any comment.

"What about you?" Stefan asked, leaning forward and placing his arms on the table.

"What about me?"

He raised his eyebrows and said, "So nothing happened between you and the big bad hybrid?"

She snickered at him, "Nothing happened between me and Klaus. And even if there was, you'd be the last person I would tell."

Ever since she had called him worse, a part of her was feeling guilty. But then today she saw the way Klaus was checking Aliza's bag, making sure that everything was working. Caroline realized that maybe Klaus just needs to get out his own way.

Stefan gasped, "I am your bestie, Caroline. I deserve to know."

"You're also my ex-husband," Caroline pointed out before taking a sip from her mug.

"That was years ago. Our marriage only lasted for a year and a half," He returned.

"Even though the sex was great," She added, laughing when Stefan scowled at her.

"You need help." He shook his head, "Maybe Klaus can help you." Stefan wiggled his eyebrows at her.

"Stefan Salvatore you-"

"Help you in what?" Rebekah asked as she entered the room.

"Oh no Caroline is feeling stressed. Maybe Klaus can give her a massage- Ouch!" He rubbed his shoulder where Caroline punched him.

Rebekah twisted her face in disgust, "You know he's my brother, right?"

"You know we can talk about Enzo right?" Caroline suggested.

Both laughed when Rebekah gaped at them, caught off guard.

"Way to change the topic, Forbes." Stefan grinned at her, he continued, "Well there is always the babyface we can talk about."

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖂𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖔𝖗Where stories live. Discover now