Let It All Out

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"She's doin' it again!" Vincent hissed, pointing at the sword on the table that was glowing. The lights were flickering around them and not just of their apartment. The lights of the entire street were flickering, people stopping to glance around wondering what was going on.

Rome asked, "What do you want me to do, Vin? Wake her up and say 'Hey. monkey! I know you are angry because we lied to you for ten years but can you keep your temper in check because it is causing all lights in the area to flicker. So just keep it down please?'"

Vincent sighed, running a hand across his face. The temperature of the apartment had risen to the point where even the air conditioner wasn't providing much relief. This was getting out of hand, and they had to do something about this before Aliza ended up hurting herself or them.

It started as the subtle flickering of lights, Rome had dismissed him by saying that the apartment had certain issues, considering that this was just temporary. Vincent had tried to make Rome understand that this was Aliza's frustration but he wouldn't listen.

Later on, it was the weather that started to feel odd. Like dread and anger were lingering in the room, making their presence known by heating the air around them. Vincent knew that even though the first week of December in New Orleans was fairly warm, it sure as hell didn't feel like Texas in July.

The final straw was the sword. Vincent had woken up in the middle of the night, the heat making it hard for him to sleep. He was walking to the kitchen to fetch himself a glass of ice water when he noticed something that was glowing from the corner of the living room.

The blade of the sword was glowing with a strange white light with hints of violet and red. That was when Vincent had dragged Rome, making him see for himself what he meant when he said Aliza was mad.

"She is done with everything, Rome," Vincent reasoned, "We have to help her with her anger. Because this," He pointed at the sword, "Is where I draw the line."

Rome was aware that Vincent was only worried about Aliza. Alaric had said that the glow of the sword would depict the intensity of Aliza's emotions. The hints of violet and red within the white glow were pointing towards the fact that Aliza was not only just angry. She was hurt.

"What do you suggest?" He asked, figuring Vincent knew better than him.

"I know who can help."


"If this is your weird way to convince me then let me tell you it ain't gonna work."

Rebekah and Camille didn't reply, they just smiled and kept their eyes on the road.

Aliza shook her head and stared out the window, watching the trees go by. It was almost evening, the sky was blue with hints of orange submerged in it. She inhaled, the winding softly crashing against her face.

Despite the weather being pleasant, Aliza felt nowhere near good. She should have been excited about Katherine coming to visit her tonight. But ever since she found out the truth, something was churning inside Aliza.

Like a bubble emerging inside her chest, making her feel uncomfortable and unable to breathe freely. She was getting irritated easily, clenching her jaw and flexing her fists from time to time. But the unsettling feeling wouldn't go away.

Rebekah noticed just how warm the car was with Aliza in it with them. Vincent had explained to Rebekah what was going on with her. Klaus too had informed them about the strange flickering lights in the area where Aliza was staying with Rome and Vincent.

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