The Mikaelsons have a staring problem

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"Sit down properly," Vincent commanded. Aliza paid him no attention. Her eyes were taking in the amazing view of New Orleans. 

The photographs were nothing compared to the actual place. It was so beautiful and lively, and so different from Nashik, where she lived.

She had been to America a couple of times with her family for vacations. The thing that was most amusing about America was how different each city was from one another. It was like stepping into a whole new world.

And New Orleans felt like an entirely new era. The polished buildings were a sight for the sore eyes.

At least to her.

Marcel laughed at the excitement of Aliza. He was surprised to see how she was. It amused him to no bounds just how different she was compared to the rest of the Mikaelsons.

It was definitely going to be fun, watching them interact.

He said, "Most festivals are over, but there is still a lot to do here. I can give you a tour."

That piqued her interest and she leaned forward from the back seat and said, "Really?"

"Why not?"

"Aliza.," Vincent warned.

"Okay fine," Aliza sat back and crossed her hands, "You're such a buzzkill, Uncle Vin."

Marcel raised his eyebrows and gave Vincent a look. To which he shrugged as a reply.

The ride from Louis Armstrong Airport to the French Quarter was only thirty minutes long, given that the traffic was moderate. The weather was warm but pleasant. Warm enough to not wear a jacket.

Aliza had been careful with her appearance. She didn't want to make a bad first impression, given that they were going to see a lot of each other. She still could feel her heart pounding. She wished the rest of the siblings would be like Freya so that things wouldn't be as difficult as the possibilities were.

Her eyes widened at the sight of the house, not a house but a mansion. A huge one, that too. The white pillars, behind which the mansion stood with French windows. The mansion was surrounded by trees, but not a single leaf could be seen on the driveway. 

A bunch of men stood in front of the mansion, wearing all black. They looked unarmed but then she thought they must be vampires or something. 

So what's the point if they can rip people's heads off with their hands.

"Holy hot chocolate fudge....." She trailed off.

Both Vincent and Marcel laughed at her awestruck expression. 

But one thing was unsettling.

The house looked like the one in Conjuring.

Marcel stopped the car and said, "You guys go in. I'll follow back later."

Few men came forward to open the doors for her and Vincent.

"Thank you." She smiled as she climbed out, the man who opened the door for her gave her a strange look before nodding. She found it rather odd because generally her politeness would be returned with a smile too.

Do vampires even smile?

She sure hoped they did, because that would be rather disturbing.

"What about our bags?" She inquired.

Vincent informed her that the bags were delivered to their rooms only a few minutes ago. She wanted to ask how but chose not to say anything.

Vincent said, "Let's go." He started walking towards the entrance but stopped.

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