Klaus choked on his Bourbon

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"They have a private jet?!" Aliza exclaimed and took a look at Vincent, who sat beside her, and back at the small white jet that had the name Mikaelson written all over it. She huffed, "Of course they have a private jet."

Though she couldn't understand if this was a friendly gesture or if the Mikaelsons were showing off.

She had seen private jets but only in movies and tv shows. If someone had told her that she would be experiencing such a situation a few months ago she would have laughed in their faces.

But here she was.

Despite having an entire month to process everything that was happening, Aliza still felt unprepared. Her nerves were killing her, she felt her life was moving a lot faster and she could not keep up.

This all seemed like a dream and she only wished to wake up in her room and realise that her parents and Vincent were just normal people with whom she shared her normal life with.

But at that very moment, the strange reality started to really sink in and she found herself to be a lot scared than she was before. And this was her life now, though this was not something she was particularly excited to take part in it, but no point in whining because this was her reality.

This was becoming a part of her life, a part of her. She had no idea how long would it take for her to wholly accept this part because the majority of her mind was in denial and the small part was filled with curiosity and doubts.

She still felt like something was missing, that they were not telling her the whole truth. And that only made her feel uncomfortable.

Living in New Orleans was one big change. She'd spent hours on the internet searching all the facts that she could find. The crime rate was one of the highest in America and that did not make her feel better.

The French Quarter was a lively place, the historic heart of the city with brilliant nightlife and amazing bars. It fascinated her, especially after hearing it from Azure. She had told Aliza how New Orleans felt like another world, a place where people would just forget everything and enjoy themselves to the fullest. Though she still hasn't told Azure about what was happening. She figured out she'll just surprise her.

Aliza was more interested in the architecture of New Orleans, it had an amazing combination of Victorian architecture with a modern twist. She always had a thing for old buildings and Victorian style.

Maybe living there wouldn't be so bad.


"She'll be here in an hour," Freya announced. She had been particularly excited throughout the month. Klaus had noticed the change in Freya's mood. Though he wouldn't admit it out loud, he was pleased that his elder sister seemed a lot happier.

Elijah was a bit agitated and a lot nervous than he would show. His face was the epitome of calm and collected but only he knew the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside him. Klaus noticed his odd behaviour but chose not to comment. He knew Elijah very well, he also knew the horrible habit his brother had which was holding on to guilt.

Rebekah seemed as if she didn't care. Finn wasn't her favourite brother in the slightest so the girl was not much of an important person for her. As long as the girl kept her distance, she could tolerate her.

Kol wasn't excited to meet the daughter of the very brother he loathed the most. In fact, in his opinion, he couldn't care less about a ten-year-old girl who by some miracle happened to be his niece. But he couldn't voice his dislike on her arrival because of the purpose she had to serve and for the sake of Freya.

Niklaus was desperate to know what she was. He was surprised to know that she was not one of them. It came as a shock when they found out that she was something unique. Though what, they had no idea.

He found out about the girl by Vincent, at first he didn't believe a single word. No one did. It was when Freya confirmed that she indeed was a part of their family.

Klaus and Finn's relationship was bitter. Finn never could accept himself, he resented who he was and what he had become. Klaus was so sick of listening to his brother shame him for his abilities. And even after 900 hundred years of being daggered, Finn didn't change his mind.

Klaus didn't know much about Sage despite her love for Finn and that she was nothing but a low life. She indeed loved his brother dearly. But alas that love had to die because of Finn's betrayal.

He never approved of their relationship. He never considered Sage to be a worthy match. Klaus thought his elder brother was foolish to turn her.

He could only hope that Finn's daughter wouldn't be like him.


Elijah had spoken to Mithila and Rome, he gave them his words that no harm would come to the child. He couldn't help but admire the fierce bond they both shared with the girl.

Despite her not being their real daughter, they still cared for and loved her immensely. Elijah was relieved to know that the girl's upbringing was more than well. And he respected Rome and Mithila for it.

Klaus was, least to say, somewhat impressed by the girl's background. She was a smart student who had won many awards and prizes even at such a young age.

There was nothing out of the ordinary about her life. She had a small group of friends, not much of social life. She was fluent in Hindi, Marathi, Spanish and English, given that Mithila was from India and Rome was from Spain. Her favourite subjects were Biology, Maths, English Literature and Political Science.

Klaus had read her essays and could tell that the girl was a raging feminist.

But the funny thing was that she was a vegetarian and a cat person.

Klaus choked on his Bourbon when he read that.

But the most fascinating thing for all of them was how protective Vincent was of the girl. So much, that he was willing to accompany her on her stay here. Back to the very place he left years ago to start a new life. And now he was coming back just for that girl.


The flight was exhausting and that was the part she hated the most when it came to international travel. Aliza spent the majority of her time sleeping and watching movies.

Though the luxury of the jet did make the flight a little less boring. She felt slightly uncomfortable and a lot awkward because of the over-polite behaviour of the air hostess and the pilots.

But eventually after a few hours, the air hostess, Brenda, and she had a nice chat. Brenda told Aliza about the things she could do during her stay in New Orleans.

Aliza became overly enthusiastic when she found out about all the museums situated in the French Quarter. She didn't have much knowledge when it came to jazz but was eager to attend the free live concerts Brenda told her about.

When they landed, there was a Jaguar XJ parked at a distance with a man leaning against it. He definitely didn't look like a driver with the casual way he was dressed. If the phrase "Tall, dark and handsome" was a person, this man would be it.

Except he wasn't tall.

He was freaking huge.

Was he a vampire, a werewolf or a witch?

She watched as Vincent and the man shook hands.

Marcel flashed a toothy smile that showcased his pearl white teeth and said, "My man, it's been so long."

Vincent only smiled in reply and let go of his hand. He turned towards a clueless Aliza and said, "This is Marcel." He then turned back him and said, "Marcel, this is-"

"The one and only Aliza." Marcel finished.

Aliza was a little taken aback by the tone of his voice as if she were some sort of a famous personality.

She waved her hand and said, "Hello."

Marcel's eyes widened ever so slightly, but he recovered soon and said, "So ready to go?"

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