Water Under The Bridge

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"She is just a child!"

"What difference does it make?"

"If I knew she would be so bloody young I would've never agreed to all of this!"

"There's no turning back now. Niklaus must have sent his men looking for her. If we let her go he will torture us for the rest of our lives. Would you rather have that?"

Aliza's head was hammering, numbness had engulfed her body. She groaned, opening her eyes before squeezing them shut.

"Look who's awake?"

She didn't recognize that voice. Aliza slowly opened her eyes again, blinking a few times to clear her vision. She whipped her head to look around, realizing she was in an unknown empty room with no windows.

Her gaze fell on her hands, chained together. She pulled against the cold metal, wincing at the noise when the chains clashed.

"Those are necessary. No hard feelings."

Aliza stared at the man who stood in the middle of the room. He seemed to be in his mid-30s, with dark hair and an average build. Another man stood beside him, looking worried, he had dark hair too but was more muscular and lean in terms of physique.

"What do you want?!" She yelled, pulling her hands. 

Her throat was itching and her legs were throbbing, she must have been on her knees for a long time. She knew enough time had passed for her dad and the others to begin searching for her.

Aliza wished in her mind that they would hurry.

"Skipping straight to the point?" The man smiled, "Just in case you're wondering the name's Tristan."

"I didn't ask you for your stupid name! What do you want?" Aliza spat.

Tristan's lips twitched as he slowly walked towards Aliza. He bent down, looking her in the eye. Aliza's stomach dropped, but she wasn't going to show this guy that she was afraid of him. She didn't look away.

Aliza flinched when he traced the side of her face with his finger.

"You've got the Mikaelson feistiness, my lady, I must say."

"What do you want?"

Tristan smiled, "That is the question, isn't it? But long story short, your Uncle Klaus has a lot to pay for what he did." Aliza clenched her jaw, the word pay igniting a series of horrifying scenarios in her head.

She recognized the authority hidden in his voice, realizing that reasoning with him would be useless.

"Don't you worry," Tristan said, stroking her hair, "I'm not going to hurt you, I swear? You, my Aliza, are here for a special purpose."

He got up and turned to look at the other man.

"Keep an eye on her." He ordered and then glanced back at Aliza, "My lady, don't you dare try to do anything foolish. I prefer not to be provoked." Tristan walked out of the room, leaving her alone in the room with the other man.

Aliza thought about Rebekah. Fear for what might have happened to her coated the fear Aliza felt for herself. She looked up at the man who was staring at her, "Rebekah? She's okay right?"

The man gave her a solemn nod and said, "She's alright." They'd left her unconscious on the road, he was sure she must have regained herself within the next few minutes as soon as they took the girl.

"Are you going to kill me?" She whispered, her voice shaking and small.

He winced as if it was the most brutal question he has ever heard and said, "No, darling. We are not going to hurt you." 

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