She tried not to cringe

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Aliza yelled in her phone as she paced around the luxurious room.

It was a lot bigger than her room back in India. The wooden furniture looked expensive. The walls colored in a stunning combination of pastel blue and royal blue. The king-sized bed situated in the middle of the room, against the wall. A picturesque view of the forest from the huge window located beside the bed.

The bathroom was parallel to the window and beside the bathroom was a huge wardrobe.

When Aliza saw the bathroom, her eyes were hurting from the way she was staring at the marble paradise.

The counter of the sink was covered in toiletries of high-quality brands.

It seemed like Freya had been the one to pick everything in the room according to Aliza's taste.

Because the products were all designed for sensitive skin and were fragrance-free.

From facewash to cremes to lotions.

But her concerns weren't the ones that included enjoying a nice long bath and taking a nap.

The moment Freya left, Aliza texted Vincent asking him if they could hear anything that she would say. Much to her relief, Vincent said that the rooms were soundproof and nothing could be heard from the outside.

Then she called her dad, not giving a damn about the difference in time zones.

"Monkey, no one is dying. Calm down." Rome said.

She gasped, pressing a hand against her chest, she said, "Calm down? Calm down?! Did you see the way Kol Mikaelson was looking at me?! He wants to kill me!!! Do you understand? Kill. Me!"

Rome sighed through the phone while pinching the bridge of his nose. Of course, Kol had to go out of his way to scare her. Of course, Niklaus had to snap his neck in front of her. Those two had zero sense when it came to a child. Even though she was their niece.

Bloody Mikaelsons.

"Can you sit down?" He asked.

"My life is in danger and you want me to sit down?!"

He spoke in a tired voice, "Do it, monkey and I'll explain everything to you."

"Explain what?"

"First sit down."

She huffed and plopped on the bed, "Done."

He continued, "Now listen. I and your mother had performed a spell on you the night before your flight. The vampires won't be able to smell your blood or hear your heartbeat."

She frowned and said, "Yeah but what if he bites me?!"

"He won't. I promise. See you have Vincent and Freya with you. And even Elijah will protect you."

"I met him like what five minutes ago?. Why on earth would he want to protect me?"

Rome sighed again, "Just trust me, okay? You know that we will never let you get hurt."

"Yeah, that I know." She mumbled.

"So how was the flight?"

Aliza's mood changed in an instant. A huge grin formed its way on her lips. She said, "Oh my gosh. Dad, they sent a private jet. And it was so cool. They even had a bed and the air hostess was so nice. And my god the dessert was heavenly. I watched the entire series of Fast and Furious in one go."

Rome smiled and shook his head on the other side of the phone. Aliza's excitement was contagious even though she was halfway across the world.

"And the room?"

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