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Aliza waved at Azure and her family as Elijah slowly drove past them. A big smile stretched on her lips, partly because of visiting Azure and partly because of the loads of containers Karuna had given her to take back, each filled with something delicious to eat.

She thought about the promise she made to Azure. Aliza was curious and that was pretty much it. The lives of the Mikaelson weren't any of her concern, and besides after she found that sword, Aliza was going back to her parents. Perhaps she would visit sometimes or invite Freya and the others over but there was no way she would stay there forever even if the thought of leaving left a bitter taste in her mouth.

Aliza was nervous about going to Mystic Falls. They were leaving the very next day in the morning, except for Marcel and Freya who would be staying back because of some business. The decision made by Niklaus about Freya staying back made Aliza mad at him because she wanted Freya to accompany them.

"You seem to be very close to Azure and her family. How long have you two known each other if I may ask?" Elijah said, momentarily taking his eyes off the road to look at her.

She shrugged, "Seven years."

"That is quite a lot of time."

Aliza laughed, "Not long enough in your dictionary."

Elijah smiled, "Well that is true."

Aliza thought for a moment, debating whether she should ask the one question that was running in her mind.

"Hey, can I ask you something?"

"Please go ahead."

"Who is Finn?"

Elijah's head turned immediately at the sound of that name and it made Aliza regret her decision.

"Where did you hear that name?" He asked his voice stern and a little tense.

Aliza blinked a few times before answering.

"I-I heard someone say that I have Finn's eyes. Maybe Freya? I don't remember." She lied. Aliza was a convincing liar, guess it was because of her mother's thesis that she had read in secret. Her parents were never excited about her curiosity because it made Aliza act on impulse and poke her nose in matters that she should never touch.

It was not exactly a lie but she had to ask someone about this Finn. The man mentioned him the first time they met, then she saw that name written in Elijah's diary.

Instead of answering Elijah focused his eyes back on the road. It made Aliza think that maybe she had gone a little too far. She could see that Elijah's posture became a lot stiffer and his grip on the steering wheel tightened.

Much to her surprise, Elijah pulled over, parking on the side of the road.

"Come on." He said, unbuckling his seat belt and stepping outside.

Aliza mimicked his actions and got out of the car.

She stood on the footpath, waiting for Elijah to walk over to her side. The weather was windy but pleasant, clouds still covering the sun. Only a few people were walking on the footpath. Aliza glanced around, a long stretch of small shops lined either side of the street.

Elijah placed a firm hand on her back, guiding Aliza towards what looked like a small cafe.

She kept quiet and walked beside him.

Only a handful of people were present in the cafe. The place was vintage styled, Aliza was beginning to notice just how common the vintage theme was here in New Orleans. The brick walls had photos hung up on them, some of the cafe's that seemed years old and some were just pictures of famous places in New Orleans. The cafe smelled of freshly brewed coffee and cinnamon. Aliza's eyes traveled up to the roof, only to see three small-sized chandeliers, hanging in a row.

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