I care about her.

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"What if she doesn't accept?"

Freya stared at Cami for a few moments. That question had been running in her mind ever since they found out about Aliza.

A fear that made her heart twist because she loved her youngest niece, even though she had only known her for a few months, and her rejecting to be a part of the family was a thought Freya despised with everything.

So far what they had made Freya nothing but happy, though she missed Hope. She wanted nothing more than for the two girls to meet and get to know each other.

Become sisters.

"I don't know. I just hope she does." She replied, running her finger over the edge of her wine glass.

"To be fair, it's hard to predict what Ali thinks or does next." Marcel supplied. It was a part of the reason why he adored her. There was no way to figure Aliza out, something that was valid when came to Hope too.

Cami smiled, "You love her, don't you?" her words directed at Marcel who smiled back.

"Of course I do. I love both of them."

"I certainly would want to see Aliza and Hope meet," Cami said, she took a sip of her drink. Finn and Klaus had a bitter relationship, filled with hurt, anger, and betrayal. To watch their daughters interact would certainly be a sight. Cami wished they both get along well, without being burdened by the mistakes made by their fathers.

They both deserved to be happy.


"May I come in?"

Aliza lifted her head to see Elijah, who stood outside the room, holding the door slightly ajar.

She sat on the bed with her books open, Camille had assigned her homework and some worksheets to practice. Aliza was pleased to try them out. She was more than okay to do her homework for the sense of normality it provided her.


Elijah smiled and opened the door to step inside. He walked further into the room and took a seat on the chair beside the bed, near the window.

"I hope I am not interrupting?"

She shook her head, "Nah. I was just going to wrap up and go to sleep. Uncle Vin told me he and Bonnie will teach me magic tomorrow."

"Are you excited?" Elijah asked in a polite tone.

Aliza thought for a moment before she spoke.

"I don't know. I mean I read about magic, it isn't what I thought it would be." The whole magic mambo jumbo was making her feel odd. There were many different kinds of magic, all of them scary in their way.

She wasn't expecting 'Blood Magic' to be a thing. Then there was dark magic that made Aliza's stomach churn as she read how bad it was. She was expecting something light-hearted, like Merlin where you just say spells.

But that wasn't the case, there were rituals and covens and forms of witchcraft that required blood, sacrifices, and whatnot. She wondered what coven did Vincent, Mithila, and Rome belong to. They didn't tell her much about the type of witchcraft they practiced. She didn't push the topic, they dismissed her saying that it had been a long time since they last practiced proper witchcraft.

"There is no need for you to be scared. I'm sure Vincent and Miss Bennett will not teach you anything that would be deemed as evil or require you to do something that you do not wish to do." Elijah said, his voice firm, it made her feel a little better.

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖂𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖔𝖗Where stories live. Discover now