You Uncultured People

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Aliza couldn't sleep again. But this time it wasn't because of the awkward dinner or those weird looks Niklaus shot at her direction when he thought she wasn't noticing.

She couldn't get that man's face out of her mind. The way he was staring at her made her feel weird. That man had a look of recognition on his face. He recognized her. But it wasn't an emotional melodramatic look that Freya gave her when they first met nor it was the unspoken grief that Elijah gave her nor was it the mischievous smile that Kol gave her.

It was something different.

It was something serene.

1 am and she gave up on the hopes of falling asleep. She contemplated the emergency sleeping pills her mother gave for times when her mind would go in overdrive.

She decided otherwise and grabbed her sketchbook along with other necessary stationary, heading downstairs to make herself a cup of coffee.

When Aliza reached the drawing-room, it was empty. She remembered Vincent telling her that vampires can sleep and eat human food.

Surprise, surprise.

Damn you, Edward Cullen.

Dumping her things on the huge marble counter, Aliza connected her wireless earphones and put her James Bay playlist on shuffle.

She walked further in the kitchen, inspecting the cabinets. She inspected the high brand coffee powder and frowned when she checked the price.

Pouring the steaming hot liquid into the mug, Aliza sat down on one of the stools. Reaching out for her pencil, she flipped opened her sketchbook.

Another remedy for her overthinking habits.

It was when she was pouring her fourth cup that Aliza looked up to see Elijah arriving in the kitchen.

"Do you always wear a suit?" She finally asked as she put her playlist on pause.

Elijah chuckled and said, "Well I suppose looking presentable isn't a crime, is it?"

"I don't even know how to answer that."

He smiled and walked towards the counter. He took a seat on the opposite side.

"I must say you are very talented." He inspected the sketch that Aliza was working on. It was the bar that Camille worked in.

She gave him a little bow and said, "Thank you very much."

Elijah's lips twitched, his eyes trailed over the pages of the sketchbook. He thought about his brother Klaus. He wished his brother would let go of the grudge he held against Finn because Aliza was just an innocent child. She didn't do anything wrong.

His mind drifted to what happened this afternoon. He glanced back at Aliza and said, "My apologies on behalf of my brother. It was rather indecent of him to raise his voice on you like that."

Aliza snorted, "Well if his actions were so wrong, shouldn't he be the one apologizing to me?"

Elijah opened his mouth to say something but she cut him off.

"Look dude, I get it. I mean if someone in your family gets hurt it's natural to be worried about them. And besides, I'm over it."

Elijah smiled and gave her an approving nod. She was practical, he realized. It was strange how different yet similar she was to his family. She was unpredictable which was something he enjoyed rather than finding it annoying. Somehow she reminded him of Henrik.

Centuries had passed, Elijah still missed his youngest brother, and being around Aliza made him feel a certain type of joy he wasn't aware he was capable of feeling.

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖂𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖔𝖗Where stories live. Discover now