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Almost six months had gone by yet there was no news about Azure. If it wasn't for her mother telling her that Azure is fine, Aliza would've assumed something bad happened. She was worried and angry because this was the first time Azure had done something like this, it was as if she was avoiding Aliza and didn't wish to talk to her.

Aliza had no idea what did she do that was so wrong that made Azure shut her off. They were really good friends, some could say they were like sisters. Everything was going well for three years since Azure left, they messaged each other every day, skyped whenever they could despite the difference in time zone. And now out of the blues, her friend was not talking to her.

She missed her, she missed talking to Azure. She wanted to tell her everything that was happening, wanted to bitch about Niklaus and Kol. Aliza could imagine Azure's utter disbelief when she would tell her that the Mikaelsons and Marcel had no idea what Doctor Who, Supernatural, and Transformers were. She wondered if Azure would be as shocked when finding out that vampires, werewolves, and witches exist, she was always into them. Not in a weird ', I want to marry Edward or make out with Jacob' way but more like 'Screw them, I will kick all the bad people's asses if I had those powers' way.

"Still no answer?" Vincent asked when he walked into the dining room. Aliza had finished her biology lessons and she and Camille were gathering her books.

She shook her head in reply.

Vincent thought for a moment and said, "How about this? I'll ask Marcel to check up on Azure?"

"Will he say yes though?" Aliza asked.

Camille answered, "Oh he will. He doesn't have a choice. I'll talk to him."

Aliza smiled at her, in the past months she and Camille had become really good friends. They got along well, sometimes Camille would take her for sightseeing. She was an intelligent woman, much like her mother. Surprisingly she was a psychiatrist too. Talk about irony.

But there was something peculiar Aliza had noticed. Niklaus avoided Camille as much as he could. He would either make himself busy or would be out doing god knows what whenever Camille was in the house. The one time Niklaus entered the room, Camille asked him how he was, it was more on the awkward side than friendly. To Aliza's surprise, Niklaus refused to make eye contact and just walked away without saying anything.

They knew each other, it was obvious. Maybe they were together? But Niklaus didn't seem like the most open person one could ever meet. That dude gave Aliza chills. It was that intent look in his eyes, that somehow felt.....evil. There was a hidden intention in them like he was planning something in his head. He had the traits of a psychopath and symptoms of a person with a God complex.

Marcel entered the room, swinging his keys with his fingers and whistling a random tune. He smiled at Camille and bent down to kiss her on her cheek. Aliza thought they were adorable because when Marcel was training he had a no-nonsense look on his face and his usual face consisted of a lazy smile but when he was with Camille, it was all puppy eyes and love-struck smiles. It was somewhat funny because it reminded her of the way Rome looked at Mithila except that her dad gave her mother that look whenever he was in trouble.

But another odd thing she noticed was the look on Rebekah's face. It was the look of a heartbroken person. Every time Marcel would smile at Camille or kiss her, Rebekah would turn away. Aliza felt bad for the woman because her face looked like someone just ran over her puppy. She did ask Vincent about Rebekah but he told her that it was none of her business.

Aliza made a look of disgust earning a laugh from all the others, Marcel stepped towards her and ruffled her hair.

She slapped his hand away, "Hey don't do that!"

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