The Aftermath

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Hope dumped her bag on the bed with a sigh. She had left without saying goodbye to her mom. She was trying to understand Hayley's perspective like Kol had asked her to do. But every time she tried to do that, Hope would start blaming herself for being the reason behind the separation of her family.

Her dad sometimes called to check up on her but Hope always felt like she was talking to a stranger. There were times when her uncles and aunts would come to visit but it had been years since she saw Klaus. And it hurt.

She plopped on the bed and stared at the ceiling with a small frown etched on her face.

Something was wrong with everyone, she had noticed the grim look on Stefan, Bonnie, Enzo, and Caroline's face. It was odd for them to be so down, those four always had big smiles whenever they welcomed students back to the school.

But Hope was too exhausted to be curious about what was going on with everyone. She sat up, figured she should just unpack now instead of later.

Her attention shifted to the corner of her room, towards the books that were now neatly arranged. She glanced around to find her room was clean and well organized. Hope had left a mess behind. She was sure it wasn't Bonnie or Enzo because Caroline had a rule that students should clean their own rooms by themselves.

Something on her nightstand caught her attention. A paper that was never there before. It was a page from a sketchbook but didn't belong to her since she only used canvas. Hope frowned and picked the sheet of paper, turning it around.

Her eyes widened when saw the sketch of her family.

It couldn't be more perfect. Hayley's smile was beautifully captured, the subtle crinkle around the corner of her eyes made Hope's chest ache. She began tearing up as she examined the faces of her uncles and aunts.

With a shaking hand, she traced the face of her dad. A pinch in her heart as she read the words written below.

"They miss you too..." She whispered to herself.

Hope rushed outside, leaving her door open and pushing past the students in the hallway.

She ran down the stairs, not caring about the irritated looks that were shot in her direction. Her heart was racing, wanting to know who made this for her and why.

Hope bumped into someone at the end of the stairs, causing both of them to stumble back.

"Hey watch where you're going!" Lizzie scolded, rubbing her shoulder with her hand as she glared at Hope. But it eventually faded when she noticed the tears in Hope's eyes.

"You okay?" Josie asked, standing beside Lizzie.

"Hope?" She tried again, glancing at the sketch in Hope's hands.

"Sorry," Hope said, hurriedly pushing past the three of them.

"What's gotten into her?" Lizzie asked, partly amused and partly concerned.

Hope ran towards Caroline's office, figured she must know something.

Without knocking she barged right in to see Caroline in her seat and Alaric and Stefan sitting opposite to her.

"Hope?" Alaric asked, knitting his eyebrows, "What is it?"

"I found this in my room," She replied, lifting the sketch that was in her hand. Her voice breathless and her heart pounding.

A look of recognition flashed on Caroline and Stefan's face. Alaric raised his eyebrows as he watched them glance at each other from the corner of his eyes.

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