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Mia wasn't necessarily a heavy drinker, unless she was on a night out. Not to say she couldn't take her alcohol, in fact most would argue that Mia Stone's tolerance for alcohol was something of a madness when it came to someone of her small size. So for Mia to be sitting  in the middle of some fancy restaurant having already chugged down a bottle and a half of wine before the sun had fully set would be out of character for her to say the least.  

But to be fair to Mia, anyone who had to sit across the table from Matthew Denton as he goes on about himself deserves a bottle or two of wine. Minimum. 

"So I told him straight to his face, 'if you don't consider me for the promotion, I'll walk out and never look back.' And of course, he couldn't afford to lose someone like me so I got the promotion." Matthew said, waving his arms around as he spoke for the umpteenth time about his career.  

All Mia could do was smile and nod as she poured more wine into her glass, faking her enthusiasm while making up for the fact that she was not listening to him in the slightest. 

"Well I am so very proud of you, Matt. Cheers to you darling!" Mia said to her boyfriend of nearly three years. Raising her glass, she didn't even give him a chance to raise his in response before she threw back her drink.

"I'm proud of you too, Mia," Matt said, raising his glass just as she had done only moments before, "cheers to your move and your new life in London."

Mia smiled sincerely at him, reminding herself that regardless of his incessant egotistical behavior she still had love for him. 

It was her first night in London, or to be more specific it was her first night living in London. She'd been to the city dozens of times over the years but she was finally coming to stay and she couldn't have been happier. Her family managed a few properties around the city so Mia had been coming down a few times a year to check in on them and see friends and that. Luckily for her though, one of the flats her family had managed became vacant a few months prior so she took this as an opportunity to move down and fill the vacancy herself. 

Setting her empty wine glass down, she let out a loud sigh putting a hand on her stomach because of how full she was. 

"I think I'm going to head to the ladies room." Mia said, dropping the napkin that was previously on her lap down onto her empty plate as she pushed herself up from her seat. 

"Take your time, I need to make a work call anyways." Matthew said, already on his phone before she had even left the table. 

Mia was weaving through the tables of people as she headed to the back of the restaurant when she heard her name being called. Her head turned in the direction of the voice and that was when her eyes landed on the last person she was hoping to see that night. 

Immediately after she put a face to the voice that had called her name just seconds earlier, her eyes shot back to her own table. To her relief, Matthews back was turned towards her and he was still on his phone. 

"Mia?! I thought it was you!" The man called out as he stood up while she started to head towards the table he shared with a few of his friends. 

"Cal! Hey!" She said as she walked into the arms he held open for her, giving him a quick hug with a smile on her face. 

Callum Airey was like family to Mia. Their parents were extremely close so they had essentially grown up together, of course with the exception that Cal's family had to move quite a bit for his Dad's job. Mia and her family did their fair share of moving around as well to be fair but regardless of where they were living at the time, the two families would spend most holidays in Scotland together. 

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