twenty one

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The rest of the week had come and gone like a blur, and before anyone knew it- it was already Friday. Not that it made much of a difference to anyone else how fast the week had gone by, most of the group was ready for a night of partying with friends after a long week of work. Mia, however, was stressed out to the max. 

Not only was the small girl hosting a party in her own flat, she had to get everything ready by herself. Originally the plan was for Matt to come in on Thursday night, like he did last time, and help out so there was less stress on her. Unfortunately for the two of them, his flight had gotten canceled and he was rescheduled onto the next one that was meant to arrive on Friday morning. 

It was true that she was excited to see him, and that his flight cancellation only delayed their reunion. But she was more upset that she now had to do everything all by herself until he arrived instead of being more upset that they were seeing each other a day late. 

Mia, who was setting up some bottles neatly on the kitchen counter, heard her phone beep. She set down the bottle of Sambuca that she was trying to move and headed towards where her phone was charging by the corner of the wall. 

from matt
just landed, gonna grab a cab
see you soon x

She let out a sigh of relief, not bothering to text back, as she saw that he had finally landed and was headed towards her so she could finally get some help. Talia and Freya were supposed to come earlier, as they had both said they'd come help before Matt got there, neither of them were able to wake up in time. She quickly shot them a message in their group chat to say that Matt was on his way so they could just come once the party was ready to start, as she was basically almost done and this way once her and Matt finished they could probably have an hour or so to themselves. 

Once she typed the message, her eyes shot up to the top right corner of her phone screen to check the time. 10:07. She quickly let out another small sigh of relief, realizing she was ahead in her preparations, and quickly tapped through her phone to pull up Harry's contact so she could give him a quick call. 

Mia balanced the phone between her shoulder and her ear, heading over to the kitchen to grab a wet rag so she could wipe down the counter as the phone rang. It rang a few times before Harry's voice filled her ear. 

"Hey you." He mumbled tiredly into the phone, which didn't come as a surprise considering Mia knew full well how much the boy hated mornings. She could hear the busy rustle of the airport in the background, the announcements for departing flights coming in and out.

"Hey, you." She giggled, "Are you at the airport yet?"

"Yeah, yeah, my flight leaves in a bit. Just chilling at my gate. What are you up so early for?" He chuckled as she continued to wipe down the counter. 

"I just have so much to do for tonight so I've been up for a while," She sighed, throwing the rag into the sink. Mia then headed over to the cupboards to reach for some bowls to get ready for snacks, setting them down on the counter one by one. 

"I thought Freya and Talia were supposed to come by and help? Cal mentioned something about that." Harry asked, just as she set down the last bowl.

"I actually told them not too," She said as she walked over to the fridge to grab a water bottle, before heading over to the living room and falling back onto the couch. As she fell onto it, she let out a sigh of relief- finally having a few minutes to relax. 

"Why not?" Harry asked confused as Mia finally relaxed her shoulders, picking up the phone to hold it normally instead of balancing it between her shoulders and ears while she was cleaning. 

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